Why Is Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Common?

Medically Reviewed on7/7/2022
Why Is Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Common
Learn about how menopause affects breast cancer risk

Althoughmenopauseitself does not increase your risk ofbreast cancer, advancing age does.Mostpostmenopausalwomen are diagnosed withbreast cancerdue to weakening immune systems and the cumulative amount of exposure to estrogen over the years.

How does menopause affect breast cancer risk?

Earlymenopausemay lower the risk ofbreast cancer, while latemenopause(after age 55) increases the risk. In fact, on average breastcancerrisk increases by about 3% per year of delay in menopause.

这可能是因为你当你sta年长rt menopause, the more estrogen exposure you have had, which increases breast cell growth and division. For the same reason, startingmenstruationearly also increases your risk of breastcancersince this increases the total number of years you are exposed to estrogen.

Furthermore, as estrogen levels produced from the ovaries are reduced after menopause, fat cells act as the primary site of estrogen secretion. Therefore, women who have a higher body mass index, i.e.obeseandoverweightwomen, tend to have a higher risk of breastcancer.Hormone replacement therapycan also increase breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women.


Estrogen receptor-positive breastcancers, also called ER-positive breast cancer, tend to grow slowly after menopause due to the fall in estrogen levels. Studies suggest that postmenopausal women have a better prognosis with a lower chance ofbreast cancer recurrence. Also, the cancer tends to be less deadly and requires less aggressive management. An ER-positive breast cancer can be treated with medications that block the effect of estrogen on cancer cells.

Some postmenopausal women, however, may havetriple-negative breast cancer, which means that the breast cancer cells do not have estrogen andprogesteronereceptors on their surface, and they do not have an excess of another protein called human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER-2). HER-2 protein also acts as a target for certain cancer medications. A triple-negative cancer tends to be more aggressive, spreads faster, and has fewer treatment options. It occurs in about 18% of elderly metastatic breast cancer patients.

What factors increase breast cancer risk postmenopause?

The following may increase the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer:

  • Certain genetic abnormalities such asBRCA1or BRCA 2 mutations, Cowden syndrome,Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
  • Family history of breast cancer
  • Personal history of breast cancer or certain benign breast conditions
  • History ofradiation therapyto the chest
  • Use of hormonal medications as contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy
  • Early menarche (before age 12)
  • Never having beenpregnantor having a first child after age 30
  • Dense breast tissue
  • Obesity
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Excessivealcoholconsumption


Breast Cancer Awareness: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and TreatmentSee Slideshow

Tips for managing postmenopausal breast cancer

Menopause and breast cancer may take a dual toll on your mental and physical health. The following tips can help you cope with these conditions:

  • Strictly comply with your treatment recommendations
  • Discuss your concerns with your doctor
  • Eat a healthydietrich in fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains.
  • Stay physically active and engage in regularexercise
  • Stay hydrated
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Quit smoking
  • Get adequatesleep
  • Managestress
Medically Reviewed on7/7/2022
Image Source: iStock image


