为什么给我迪吗scharge From My Penis?

Medically Reviewed on9/28/2022
Penis illustration
Penis discharge may be caused by various conditions such as UTI, prostatitis, balanitis, urethritis, and STDs.

Discharge from the penis that is not associated with sexual arousal is not considered normal and may be caused by various conditions, which include:

Urinary tract infection (UTI)

UTIis an infection of your urinary system.

  • UTIs typically occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract through the urethra and begin to multiply in the bladder.
  • Not everyone with aUTIdevelops recognizable signs and symptoms, but most people have at least one or more of the following symptoms:
    • A persistent urge to urinate
    • A stinging or burning sensation when urinating
    • Passing frequent, small amounts of urine
    • Blood in the urine抽。性能或多云,有强烈气味的尿液(不寻常e from the penis)
  • Antibiotics are the first line of treatment for UTIs. Usually,UTI symptomsclear up within a few days of treatment. However, you may need to continue antibiotics for a week or more. It is very important to complete the entire course of antibiotics recommended by your doctor to ensure that the infection is completely eradicated. Drinking plenty of water toflush的细菌也有帮助。


Prostatitisis swelling of theprostate gland有时它周围的区域。

  • Apart from unusual discharge from the penis, prostatitis can causepainin your penis, testicles, anus, lower abdomen, and lower back.
  • To treat acute bacterial prostatitis, you must take antibiotics that can penetrate the prostate tissue (such astrimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole) for at least 30 days. Taking antibiotics for less time may lead to a chronic (long-standing) infection. Most men can be treated at home and take antibiotics by mouth. However, occasionally, they may need to be hospitalized for intravenous antibiotics. Severe bacterial prostatitis can be difficult to cure. If a prostateabscessoccurs, surgical drainage is usually necessary.


Balanitisis characterized by swelling of the foreskin and head of the penis. It can cause redness and discharge under the foreskin.

  • Symptoms may includerash,itchingorpain, foul smell and ulcers. Swelling may be due to infections or irritation. It often occurs in people with high blood sugars.
  • Treatment depends on the cause.
    • Salt baths are soothing while treatment takes effect.
    • Anti-yeast cream is the most common treatment because most cases are due to candida.
    • Antibiotics will clear infection caused by bacteria.
    • Mild steroid cream to reduce inflammation is useful for balanitis caused byallergiesor irritants.
    • Sometimes, steroid cream is used in addition to anti-yeast or antibiotic medication to reduce inflammation caused by infection.
    • If you have recurrent balanitis and havephimosis, thencircumcisionis an option to remove the foreskin.


  • The urethra is the tube that runs from the bladder through the penis. When the urethra is swollen, it is called urethritis.
  • Urethritis can be caused by a bacterial or viral infection.
  • Symptoms may include
    • Burning pain when you urinate
    • Itchingor tingling of the penis or pus discharge from the penis
    • Pain when you have sex ormasturbate
  • Treatment depends on the cause of urethritis.
    • Doctors may give antibiotics and antiviral medications in the form of tablets or injections.
    • They may add medications to the regimen that treat pain and swelling.


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Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

STDsare infections that spread from person to person most commonly through bodily fluids or direct skin-to-skin contact during the oral, vagina, and anal sexual activities. Some STDs, such ashuman immunodeficiency virus(HIV), can spread through hypodermic needles.Pubic licecan spread through objects such as used damp towels or wet clothing.

  • There are more than 30 bacteria,viruses, and parasites that are known to be transmitted sexually. The most common of these include:
  • Symptoms may include
  • Treatment for STDs varies depending on the specific type. Some STDs can be treated with antibiotics or antiviral medications. Viral infections can be managed but not always cured. Some medications help ease the severity of symptoms. There is no cure available forHIV, but it can often be treated with a combination of medications.
  • STDs are serious infections that may cause lifelong or recurring symptoms and side effects. If you think you have asexually transmitted infection(STI), you should see your doctor. Avoid sex until you have been examined. If your doctor diagnoses you with an STI, be sure to notify your sexual partner(s) right away. They may need testing or treatment, too.
  • Remember that some people may contract herpes,chlamydia, and other STIs, but exhibit no symptoms. It is possible to transmit STDs even when no symptoms are present. Hence, practicingsafe sexis a must.
  • It is recommended to maintain genital hygiene to avoid anypenile discharge. Keep your penis and scrotal area clean and dry. Wash the area daily using unscented soap and water.
Medically Reviewed on9/28/2022
Queensland Health: "Penis Discharge"

Mayo Clinic: "Penis health: Identify and prevent problems"