Why Do Alzheimer's Patients Stop Eating?


阿尔茨海默氏症disease is a progressive disorder of the brain that causes the brain cells to shrink and eventually die.
阿尔茨海默氏症disease is a progressive disorder of the brain that causes the brain cells to shrink and eventually die.

阿尔茨海默氏症disease is a progressive disorder of the brain that causes the brain cells to shrink and eventually die. It is the most common cause ofdementia(loss of memory and cognitive skills) in the elderly. This condition presents with a gradual decline in thinking, emotive capability, behavioral, and social skills.

The earliest sign of Alzheimer’s disease is oftenloss of smell, followed by lapses in memory. The person may forget the recent events or conversations. As the disease progresses over the months and years, the patient will develop severe impairment of memory and speech; they may not be able to take care of their daily routine, such as bathing, using the washroom, brushing theteeth.

A caregiver (which could be a friend, family member, or professional) of an Alzheimer’s patient must be attentive and aware of various issues faced by the patient. They must ensure the patient is properly eating, drinking, and grooming. Being a caregiver for a patient with advanced Alzheimer’s can be tough because the patient cannot always express their needs. They may not realize when they are hungry and/or thirsty. Also, they may sometimes forget to swallow and chew the food. Though it is distressing for a caregiver when patients stop eating or talking, they need to be patient while taking care and step up if needed.

Table. Potential reasons for an Alzheimer’s patient to stop eating



Management and tips

A stomach or a gut infection

Stomach pain,loss of appetite, ornauseatriggered by an infection may reduce appetite

Soft blanddiet


Giving fluids, such as soups, juices


Bloatingor gases due toconstipationmay lead to reduced food intake

Soft blanddiet


Addingfiberor bran (prunes, raisins) to the diet

Increase the water intake

Oral issues

Sores inside the mouth

Gum swelling


Inability to open mouth to eat (trismus)

Fix an appointment with a dentist

Local gels formouth ulcers

Vitamin B12supplements

Helping them brush theteeth

Side effects of medications

Dry mouth

Metallic taste in the mouth



Schedule a visit with the physician

Difficulty chewing and swallowing

Weakened jaw muscles

Inability to swallow due to poor tone of throat muscles

See an occupational therapist

Serve foods that are easy to swallow, such as applesauce, pudding, yogurt, or pureed food

Cut solid food into small pieces

Never serve very hot orcoldfoods


Accompany the old age and the disease progression

Spend time with them

Help them visit other people of their age

Listening to music or painting may help as well

Advancedmemory loss

They may not realize the food must be eaten

Forget to swallow

Let them smell or feel the food

Eat with them or direct the food to their mouths

Serve food on dishes that are of a different color from the food

Maintain fixed eating times

Reduced activity

Lying in bed all-day


They are not motivated to move

Take them for a walk

They can do minor stretching exercises under the supervision


Loosedenturesordentureswithbumpsor cracks may cause巴勒斯坦权力机构inwhile chewing, making it hard to eat

Get dentures that fit

Comorbid conditions



Uncontrolled sugars


Kidney disorders


Schedule regular visits to the physician


  • Get the patient to sit up straight when they eat. Keep the person upright for 30 minutes after eating.
  • Choose soft foods that can be easily chewed and swallowed. Thicken liquids withcorn-starch before consumption or give them pudding.
  • Serve their largest meal at the time they are most hungry.
  • Offer them just one food at a time (e.g., a bread sandwich) instead of filling the plate with too many things.
  • Sometimes a person needs cues to get started. Put the food on a spoon and try guiding it to the person's mouth.
  • Consider a high-calorie drink, such as protein milkshakes, if they refuse to take proper meals.
  • Be patient and allow them time to eat, chew, and swallow.
  • If the person has trouble swallowing solid foods, try fruit juice, custards, or soups.
  • Consider giving a multivitamin supplement as a complement to the person’s diet. Talk to the doctor before initiating any supplement.
阿尔茨海默氏症Association®. Late-Stage Caregiving. https://www.alz.org/help-support/caregiving/stages-behaviors/late-stage