When Should I Be Concerned About My Sick Baby?

Medically Reviewed on8/23/2022
There are several serious symptoms like fever and vomiting, you should never ignore in your baby. Although there may be no cause for alarm, it is better to be on the lookout.
There are several serious symptoms like fever and vomiting, you should never ignore in your baby. Although there may be no cause for alarm, it is better to be on the lookout.

Occasionalfeversand infections are common concerns as your baby grows. However, even with some experience with sickbabies, it's natural to worry when your baby is unwell. It can be hard to tell typical fussiness and mild illnesses apart from severe problems.

As you look forward to that day when they outgrow this stage, you need to stay alert for warning signs of severe sickness. Your baby cannot verbalize their feelings, and knowing how to manage an illness from home is as crucial as knowing when to call your baby's doctor.

6 serious symptoms in babies never to ignore

There are several serious symptoms you should never ignore in your baby. Although there may be no cause for alarm, it is better to be on the lookout. Among these signs are the following:

Feverin itself is not a disease, but it's a sign of an underlying infection. These include respiratory illnesses likecroupandpneumonia, as well as colds, stomach bugs, and urine andear infectionsFevercould also be because of viral diseases.

To check your baby's temperature, use a mercury-free glass rectal thermometer for the most accurate reading. If your baby is less than 3 months old and the fever is over 100.4 F, that's an emergency case that requires immediate medical attention. The cause of the fever may be hard to establish, and other signs and symptoms may also be challenging to detect.

Poor feedingwithin the first 2 days, most newborns can eat every three to four hours. They will show signs of hunger by crying, sucking their fingers, and making rooting motions. If your baby's appetite changes and they refuse to feed and push food away several times, it could indicate that they're unwell.

Be on the lookout forweight lossor lack ofweight gainin 12-13 days after birth. Signs include loose skin, a drawn face, and a decreased number of wet or soiled diapers.

Vomitingis one of the common reactions to bodily upsets. In the absence of other signs and symptoms, it may not be a cause of alarm. When accompanied bydiarrhea, it could be a sign of bacterial or viral infection in the intestine or an obstruction.

If you suspect your baby is inpain, it is okay to give them the recommended dose of infantibuprofenoracetaminophen, provided they are within the age bracket. Avoid givinganti-nauseamedicines unless recommended by your baby's health care provider.

Keep the baby's fluids up to protect them fromdehydration.如果孩子给他们提供额外的提要throughout the day. Take your baby to the hospital if thevomitingis...

  • Green or greenish-yellow
  • Frequent and forceful
  • Bloody
  • Causing the baby to be dehydrated
  • Inhibits feeding
  • Persistent and lasts for more than a day or two

Irregular stools (hard and drystool) indicate that your baby needs more fluids. After you wean your baby, hardstoolcould be because of a change indiet.On the other hand, it could be that your child is losing too much water to heat, illness, or fever. If it causes you to worry, take the baby to the doctor.

Umbilical cord infection produces pus or red skin around the stump of the umbilical cord in anewbornbaby. It could also have an unpleasant smell. Talk to your doctor about it.

A baby that feeds well throughout the day should wet approximately four diapers a day. Look out for signs of distress when urinating, as this could signify an infection in the urinary tract. The color and odor of the urine also tell a lot.

A pinkish or dark yellow stain on thediapercould be a sign of high concentration in the urine and is no cause for alarm. If the staining goes on for a long time or you notice bloody spots, talk to your baby's doctor. Another sign to look out for is less-than-frequent urination


Parenting Guide: Healthy Eating for KidsSee Slideshow

What to do to keep your baby healthy

To keep your baby in as good health as possible, breastfeed them as much as possible. This provides them with antibodies to protect them against illnesses. If you don't breastfeed them, use commercialinfant formula.Don't allow people who smoke to be around your baby. If anything seems off about your baby, talk to your doctor.

Medically Reviewed on8/23/2022
澳大利亚的母乳喂养协会。“婴儿体重losses and weight gains."

Better Health. "Fever."

Children. "Fever in Children: Pearls and Pitfalls."

John Hopkins Medicine. "Constipation in Children."

Nationwide Children's. "Babies' Warning Signs."

Riley Children's Health. "Sick Child Basics."

Seattle Children's Hospital. "Newborn Illness- How to Recognize."

Victorian Agency for Health Information. "Vomiting in neonates."