What's Chamomile Tea Good For?

what is chamomile tea good for
Chamomile tea is primarily used to treat insomnia, anxiety, and digestive problems. Learn about 10 benefits of drinking chamomile tea

Chamomile has been used as an herbal remedy for centuries for a wide range of issues fromfeverto bladder problems to skin irritations.

In modern times, chamomile is primarily used orally to treatinsomnia,anxiety, and digestive problems, but it is now being studied as a possiblediabetes treatment。It's also applied over the skin topically to relieve skin irritations and aid inwoundhealing. Because chamomile hasn't been thoroughly studied in people, however, claims of the purported health benefits are lacking strong evidence.

Chamomile essential oil and floral extracts contain more than 120 chemical elements, many of which are pharmacologically active. They include:

  • Chamazulene (anti-inflammatory)
  • Bisabolol (anti-irritant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial)
  • Apigenin (a phytonutrient with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiviral properties)
  • Luteolin (a phytonutrient with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiviral properties)

These compounds are responsible for the health benefits of chamomile tea and other chamomile products.

10 health benefits of drinking chamomile tea

  1. Improvessleep:Chamomile is one of the most commonly used alternative remedies for treatinginsomniaandsleep disorders。However, despite its reputation as asleep-inducing herb, there is little scientific evidence to back up this claim.
  2. Improves digestive health:According to a few studies, chamomile suppresses the activity ofHelicobacter pylori(bacteria that can cause stomach ulcers). Chamomile is thought to aid smoothmuscle spasmslinked with inflammatory gastrointestinal illnesses, includinginflammatory bowel disease, although further research is needed to prove this.
  3. Helps managediabetes:Chamomile tea can help reduce bloodsugarlevels in people withdiabetesand lower totalcholesterol, although it should not replace following medical advice from your doctor and taking medications as prescribed. Chamomile may be a useful addition to existing treatments.
  4. Improvesdental health:Studies have reported that chamomile mouthwash considerably reducesgingivitisand plaque, owing to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  5. Relieves menstrualpain:Chamomile tea has been associated with reduction in the severity ofmenstrual crampsin several studies. It may also help reduceanxietyand distress associated with menstrual periods.
  6. Slows the progression ofosteoporosis:Chamomile tea can aid in increasingbone densityand prevent or slowosteoporosis, which causes a progressive loss of bone density.
  7. Helps reduce inflammation:Inflammation is a defense mechanism used by the immune system to combat infection. Chronic inflammation has been linked to various health issues includinghemorrhoids, gastrointestinalpain,arthritis, autoimmune illnesses, and evendepression。甘菊茶中的化学物质可能有助于减少inflammation in the body.
  8. Helps prevent and treatcancer:Chamomile tea may help targetcancercells or prevent them from forming in the first place. However, research regarding this has been inconclusive.
  9. Relievesanxiety:Chamomile tea is widely believed to help you relax and reduceanxiety, although this has only been evaluated in a fewclinical trials。Many believe that chamomile tea hasbenzodiazepine-like properties.Benzodiazepinesare anti-anxiety and sleep-inducing prescription medications. According to certain studies, chamomile binds to benzodiazepine receptors in the body to activate its actions.
  10. Relievescoldsymptoms:Some studies and anecdotal evidence reports that inhaling steam infused with chamomile extract or drinking warm chamomile tea can help alleviate some of thesymptoms of common coldsuch asnasal congestionandheadache


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