What to Do When You Can’t Fall Asleep

You can promote better sleep by following a few tips before bedtime

If you suffer frominsomnia, you may have trouble falling and staying asleep. It’s likely you also suffer from poorsleepquality as well, which can result in daytime sleepiness even if you’ve technically had 7-8 hours ofsleepthe night before.

There are a few different things you can do to promotebetter sleep, including:

  • Avoidingcaffeinateddrinksin the late afternoon or evening
  • Avoidingalcoholin the evening
  • Avoiding large meals right before bedtime
  • Exercising in the late afternoon or early evening (6 hours before bedtime)

What are treatment options for insomnia?

Treatment forinsomnia通常包括多个tr的组合eatment method and uses a multidisciplinary approach. Treatment options include the following:

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

  • Sleep hygiene education:Addresses behavior or environmental factors that are incompatible with sleep, such ascaffeineor alcohol intake, noise, comfortable room temperature and watching TV in bed.
  • Cognitive therapy and relaxation therapy:Involvesstressandanxietyreduction, relaxation exercises and meditation.
  • Acupressure and massage therapies:Helps the body relax and reduceschronic pain.
  • Stimulus-control therapy:Works by associating the bed with sleepiness and the practice of going to bed when it is time to sleep.
  • Sleep-restriction therapy:Limits sleep time to around 5-7 hours, since excessive time in bed can lead toinsomnia.


Medications prescribed forsleep disordersinclude:


FDA-approved prescription devices can be used to treat people with insomnia.

What causes difficulty falling asleep?

If you have trouble falling asleep even when you are tired, this is a sign that yourcircadian rhythm可能是。它通常会影响年轻人or those with chronic insomnia andanxietyissues.

Difficulty falling asleep can be short-term (acute) or long term (chronic):

Short-term causes

  • Unfamiliarity with a new environment
  • Excessive noise or light
  • Extreme temperatures
  • Uncomfortable bed or mattress
  • New job or school
  • Relocation to a new city
  • Jet lag
  • Work deadlines or exams
  • Death of a relative or close friend
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Physical discomfort
  • Certain medications
  • Acute illnesses andallergies

Long-term causes

  • Chronic medical conditionssuch asacid refluxdisease,thyroid disease,diabetes,sleep apnea, neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease andchronic pain
  • Psychological conditionssuch asdepression,anxiety,bipolar disorderandstress
  • Medicationssuch as antihypertensives (blood pressuremedication), respiratory medications, antihistamines, hormonal medication,seizuremedication, antidepressants and chemotherapy
  • Central nervous system (CNS)or brainstimulantssuch as nicotine or excessivecaffeine
  • Lifestyle factorssuch as frequent travel that causesjet lag, constantly rotating shift work, irregular naps and sleep timings
  • Nasal blockandsinus issues
  • Age(insomnia becomes more common with age)
  • Onset insomnia, which is difficulty initiating sleep (this type of insomnia may be short-term or chronic)
  • Behavioral insomnia of childhood (BIC)often occurs because of poor sleep hygiene or nighttime routine. It can usually be managed with appropriate behavioral therapy. BIC has three subtypes.
    • BIC sleep-onsetcan usually be resolved with a few behavioral changes such as creating a healthy sleep routine or learning self-soothing or relaxation techniques. It occurs because of negative associations with sleep such as needing to go to sleep by being rocked or nursed or watching TV while going to bed.
    • BIC limit-settingoccurs when a child refuses to get in bed or stay in bed.
    • BIC combined typeis combination of both BIC subtypes.


Sleep Disorders: Foods That Help Sleep or Keep You AwakeSee Slideshow
