What Medication Is Best for Sinusitis?

Medically Reviewed on5/20/2022
What Medication Is Best for Sinusitis
Medications for sinusitis vary depending on the severity of the condition

Sinusitisoccurs when the tissues lining the sinuscavitiesget swollen as a result of an inflammatory reaction or a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection.

Medications and treatment forsinusitisvary depending on the severity of the condition.

What medications are used to treat mild, severe, and chronic sinusitis?

Mild to moderate sinusitis

If the sinuscongestionis mild, it can be relieved with medications such as:

Severe sinusitis

If symptoms do not improve after 10 days, treatments may change to:

  • Antibiotics
  • Oral or topical decongestants
  • Prescription intranasal steroid sprays

Chronic sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis is often treated by focusing on the underlying condition (which are typicallyallergies):

When sinusitis is not controlled with these treatments, a computed tomography scan may be taken to have a better look at the sinuses. Based on the results, surgery may be required to correct structural problems in the sinuses. This is often advised in the case of polyps andfungal infections.

What are different types of sinusitis?

  • Acute sinusitis:Symptoms last for 4 weeks or less and may be due to bacterial or viral infections orallergies.
  • Chronic sinusitis:Sinus swelling lasts for more than 3 months and may be due to bacterial or fungal infections.
  • Subacute sinusitis:Sinus congestion lasts for 1-3 months.

What causes sinusitis?

The sinuses are air-filledcavitiesin the skull that are located behind the forehead, nasal bones, cheeks, and eyes. They produce thinmucusthat drains out of the nose and keeps the nasal passages clear of germs and allergens.

When these sinus openings are blocked and traps mucus and air inside the sinuses, germs can grow more easily and cause infection.

Causes of sinusitis include:

  • Medical conditions where small hair-like structures (cilia) present in the sinuses fail to properly drain mucus.
  • Colds andallergies, which lead to too much mucus production or block the sinus cavities.
  • Deviated nasal septum, nasalbone spurs, ornasal polypsthat block the sinus cavities.

What are risk factors for sinusitis?


  • Respiratory tract infections
  • Seasonal allergies
  • Allergies to dust,pollen, and pet dander
  • Nasal polyps that can lead to obstruction and inflammation
  • Weakened immune system due tohuman immunodeficiency virusor chemotherapy
  • Abnormal sinus structures, such asdeviated septum


Allergies can best be described as:See Answer

What are symptoms of sinusitis?

症状的严重程度取决于反对dition and may include:

What complications are associated with sinusitis?

Although rare, untreatedsinus infectionscan become dangerous if they lead to infection of the brain, eyes, or surrounding bones. This can cause conditions such as:

Medically Reviewed on5/20/2022
Image Source: iStock Image

Brook I. Acute Sinusitis. Medscape. https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/232670-overview

Brook I. Chronic Sinusitis. Medscape. https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/232791-overview