What Kills and Helps Fix a Sore Throat Fast?

Medically Reviewed on1/4/2023

Sore throat remedies

Sore throat, or pharyngitis, refers to pain, tenderness, or discomfort in the throat. Things that kill a sore throat fast include saltwater gargles, herbal teas, honey and lemon, apple cider vinegar, and other remedies.
Sore throat, or pharyngitis, refers to pain, tenderness, or discomfort in the throat. Things that kill a sore throat fast include saltwater gargles, herbal teas, honey and lemon, apple cider vinegar, and other remedies.

Sore throat, orpharyngitis, refers topain、温柔、喉咙不适。这是米ost commonly caused by mild viral infections like thefluorcommon cold, but can also be a result of other health conditions. Asore throattypically appears with symptoms likecough,runny nose, dry/raspy sensation in the throat and mouth, and a hoarse voice. You may also experience difficulty andpainwhile swallowing foods or liquids. How do you fix asore throatimmediately?

Whether your sore throat is caused by a virus,acid reflux, or exposure to smoke, there are a number of home remedies that can bring you quick relief. Here are 10 ways to soothe the pain and irritation of a sore throat:

1. Saltwater gargles

Gargling with salt water reduces inflammation in the throat and eases symptoms of pain andabrasion. It loosensmucusand brings irritants to the surface of the throat where the body can eliminate them more quickly. Saltwater also has antibacterial properties and helps keep the throat clean. Simply mix half a teaspoon of salt in about eight ounces of water and gargle every two to three hours.

2. Herbal teas

Many different types of herbal tea can help relieve the scratchy feeling of a sore throat. Bothgreen teaand clove tea have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can fight off infections. Fruit- or flower-based teas like raspberry and chamomile act as natural lubricants that can soothe the irritation in your throat. Peppermint tea is another great option for a sore throat, as it eases pain by numbing the throat.

3. Honey and lemon

柠檬榉的混合物ice and honey is packed with natural antibacterial and pain-relieving properties. Honey reduces swelling in the throat while lemon juice breaks up mucus and provides pain relief. Lemon also contains a lot ofVitamin C, which boosts your immune system to help wipe out the infection. Add one teaspoon of lemon juice and two tablespoons of honey to tea or hot water and sip away.

4. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is strongly acidic and is known to have powerful antimicrobial properties. It breaks down the mucus deposited in your throat and prevents the infection from spreading. Mix one to two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of hot water and gargle. Be careful not to drink the mixture as it may cause digestive problems. Do not use this method if you have a known sensitivity to vinegar.

5. Chicken soup

Chicken soup contains a large number of proteins, antioxidants, and amino acids that help your body fight off infection. It is also high in gelatin which soothes the back of the throat and reduces the pain of swallowing. Chicken broth made withgarliccan be especially helpful in treating a sore throat. It keeps the throat hydrated, nourishes the body, and reducesnasal congestion.

6.Gingerroot tea or ale

Ginger is very effective in reducing swelling andcongestionin the throat, as it is a naturalantihistamine. Ginger has a strong antiviral and antibacterial effect and breaks down excess mucus in the throat. Sip ginger ale made with real ginger or make your own fresh ginger tea at home.

7. Popsicles or extra-colddrinks

Although the first few sips or bites can be painful, the icy liquid can help numb your throat and ease inflammation. It works exactly like an ice pack and soothes the swelling in your throat. You could also suck on ice cubes or chips for the same effect. What not to drink with a sore throat? Avoid dairy-based ice cream as it can increase mucus production and worsen a sore throat.

8. Humidifiers

Dry air is harsh on thelungsand irritates the sore throat. This can increase the pain or tenderness in the throat and extend recovery time. Use a clean humidifier to bring some moisture into your room. This makes the air easier to breathe and helps open up congested sinuses. If your nose is severely stuffed, try inhaling steam from a safe distance.

9.Lymph nodemassage

Massaging thelymph nodescauses lymphatic drainage that can reduce the infection in the throat. This method is most likely to be effective if your lymph nodes already feel sensitive and tender to the touch. Locate theswollen lymph nodesat the side of the neck and rub them gently in a downward motion. This massage technique improves circulation and helps eliminate toxins from the throat.

10. Throat lozenges or hard candy

Over-the-counter(OTC) lozenges can quickly provide temporary relief from soreness in the throat. Sucking on lozenges or hard candy increases saliva production. The saliva lubricates the throat and keeps it from getting dry and scratchy. Mostcoughdrops also contain ingredients like menthol, eucalyptus, and honey that help ease the pain.

Having a sore throat can be miserable but these simple home remedies are effective against the pain and discomfort. Make sure you get enough rest and drink plenty of fluids throughout the day to speed up recovery. It is not generally necessary to see a doctor for a mild case of sore throat. You could try taking OTC pain medications likeibuprofenor throat sprays withlidocaineto relieve the pain and tenderness. Get in touch with your healthcare provider if you haveswollen tonsils, difficultybreathing, or afeverover 101 degrees in addition to the sore throat.

What drink helps a sore throat?

In addition to herbal tea and ginger ale, other drinks may help a sore throat fast. Staying hydrated will keep your throat moist and help decrease pain. It also helps think mucus. Aim to drink 8 cups of fluids per day. Water, clear broth, andcaffeine-free sports drinks are all good options. Compounds in peppermint tea help soothe throat pain and they have antibacterial and antiviral properties. Marshmallow root tea has antimicrobial properties and helps coat a sore throat. Chamomile tea helps lubricate the throat and it has antimicrobial and antioxidant activity.

Why does my throat hurt when I swallow?

There are many reasons why your throat may hurt when you swallow. You could have a viral illness like a cold,mononucleosis, or viral pharyngitis. You may havestrep咽炎由于Group A Strep(GAS) bacteria. Your throat may hurt if you havepost-nasal dripfrom asinus infectionand you clear your throat a lot. Other more serious potential causes of painful swallowing include a tonsilabscessand epiglottitis, which is a bacterial infection of tissue that lies above the vocal cords.

What should you avoid when you have a sore throat?

If you have a sore throat, you should avoid things which will cause further irritation. Do not eat spicy or acidic foods, as these may irritate your throat. Avoidsmokingand smoky environments. Do not drink very hot liquids as this may contribute to further throat pain.

How long do sore throats last?

How long a sore throat lasts depends on the underlying cause. If your sore throat is caused by a simple cold or the flu, it will last about a week to 10 days. If your sore throat is due to mononucleosis, ormono, it may last for 4 weeks or more.


Which illness is known as a viral upper respiratory tract infection?See Answer
Medically Reviewed on1/4/2023

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BioMed Research International: "Phytochemical, Antimicrobial, and Toxicological Evaluation of Traditional Herbs Used to Treat Sore Throat."

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University of Pennsylvania Medicine: "6 At-Home Remedies to Ease Your Sore Throat."

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