What Is the Best Vitamin for Energy?

医学上重新viewed on11/19/2021
a vitamin for energy
Research indicates that vitamin B is the most powerful vitamin for energy.

The majority of research indicates that vitamin B is the most powerful vitamin for energy.

  • The energy-boosting properties of Bvitaminsare frequently found in various energydrinksandsupplements.
  • Vitaminswork to help your body maintain its energy levels, particularly brain function and alertness.
  • A poordiet,alcohol, orstress会伤害我们身体的自然水平的维生素B。

You can increase your B vitamin levels throughdiet, but it's a good idea to takesupplementsto ensure that all the necessary vitamins are present in optimal doses.

The following vitamins help with metabolic processes and convert nutrients into energy:

  • B1 (thiamin)
  • B2 (riboflavin)
  • B5 (pantothenic acid)

Vitamins that are needed to metabolize amino acids in protein-rich foods include:

Other B vitamin groups include:

  • B7 (biotin):Essential for metabolism of carbohydrates andfats
  • B12 (cobalamin):Maybe the one that vegans and vegetarians are often cautioned to add to their diet

Vitamin B12 builds红细胞and converts proteins and fats into energy.

12 vitamins that boost energy levels

Here is a list of the vitamins that may boost your energy levels:

  1. Vitamin B6:
    • Vitamin B6 is required to produce serotonin anddopamine, which are mood-regulating andstress-relieving chemicals in the brain. It gives you more mental clarity and stronger nervous and immune systems.
    • Moreover, vitamin B6 is required to produce healthy red blood cells that transport oxygen throughout the body, keeping your energy at optimum levels.
    • Vitamin B6 is found in foods such as fish, potatoes, and bananas.
  2. Vitamin B2:
    • It is very effective at boosting your energy levels.
    • It aids in the breakdown of carbohydrates into fuel.
    • Almonds, wild rice, and mushrooms are excellent sources of vitamin B2.
  3. Vitamin B12:
    • It is one of the most important vitamins and directly aids in the breakdown of the food you eat into energy molecules that your cells can easily use.
    • It plays an important role in maintaining the health of your blood and nerve cells, preventing you from developinganemiathat can make you weak and feel tired.
    • It is present abundantly in animal proteins such as fish, meat, and dairy products. Many foods are fortified with vitamin B12, allowing you to meet your daily requirements through a well-balanced diet.
    • Vitamin B12 increases your energy and stamina. It is one of the best vitamins for乏力and appears to be especially important if you're tired due to physicalpainor a nagging injury.
  4. Vitamin B9 (folic acid):
    • Folic acid is a popular supplement forpregnantwomen and can help boost energy levels. It is essential for the proper development of the unborn fetus.
    • Adults who are deficient in folate can developanemiathat leads totirednessandweakness.
    • Include foods such as beans, spinach, and avocado in your diet for optimum folic acid.
  5. Vitamin B1 (thiamine):
    • Thiamine is an essential vitamin that you should not overlook because it supports your major organs and alleviates乏力.
    • It takessugarand converts it into energy, which can help prevent bloodsugarspikes and get energy from the foods you eat.
    • It can be found in fish, seeds, nuts, and asparagus.
  6. Vitamin B5:
    • According to some evidence, key components in the body's energy-producing and stress-management pathways are vitamin B5.
    • A lack of this vitamin can result in generalized乏力. Supplementing yourself with vitamin B5 can help adrenal glands respond more effectively to stress, resulting in healthy energy levels.
  7. Vitamin B3:
    • Mushrooms and avocados consist of large doses of vitamin B3.
    • Niacin(vitamin B3) has gained popularity in the medical field for the treatment ofhigh cholesterol.
    • However, niacin, like vitamin B5, aids in revving metabolism and stimulating blood flow.
    • Vitamin B3 boostssexual healthand keeps you energized throughout the day. (Most of the research pinpoints that a combination of vitamins B5, B6, and B12 is required for a person to get a sufficient energy boost.)
  8. 维生素C:
    • Although vitamin C is commonly associated with immune system issues, it is one of the best vitamins for energy levels.
    • 维生素Cis a potent antioxidant and healer that can assist our bodies in combating bacteria andviruses.
    • There is an unmistakable link between vitamin C's anti-fatigue properties and tiredness. If you can recover from illness in less time, you'll spend less time feeling drained and fatigued.
  9. 维生素D:
    • 维生素Ddeficiencyis one of the most common nutritional deficiencies worldwide, with an estimated 50 percent of the global population being deficient invitamin D. Deficiency invitamin Dcan contribute to fatigue.
    • 维生素Ddeficiencyhas been linked to feelings of emotional unwellness or mental tension, which can be exhausting and result in low energy levels.
    • People who take a vitamin D supplement forvitamin D deficiencysignificantly improve their emotional andmental health, which can lead to feelings of increased energy.
  10. Vitamin A(beta carotene):
    • According to new research, vitamin A plays an important role in energy production and skinagingreversal and maintenance. Vitamin A plays a critical role within cells, allowing them to generate all energy required by thehuman bodydaily. Lack of vitamin A can cause various physical and psychological symptoms.
    • Human cells require an adequate amount of vitamin A to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which has a direct effect on energy levels. Without it, ATP production decreases, and energy levels can drop.
    • Low vitamin A levels in the body affect the immune system and proper vision, which can lead to energy-sapping conditions such as extreme lethargy and interruptedsleepfunction.
  11. Coenzyme Q10/vitamin Q10 or CoQ10:
    • A natural antioxidant produced by your body that is essential to the body’s energy production cycle, which is necessary for the health of almost all human tissues and organs. Because immune cells require a lot of energy, CoQ10 can help boost your immunity.
    • Low levels of CoQ10 have been linked to fatigue.
    • CoQ10 levels in the body decrease as we age and are lower in people with chronic illnesses associated withaging, such asheart diseaseandParkinson'sdisease, raising the possibility that CoQ10 supplements could alleviate age-related symptoms and slow the onset of these diseases.
    • Given that an increase in fatigue is associated with aging, CoQ10 may function as a vitamin to boost energy.
  12. 维生素E:
    • 维生素E(VE) is a powerful antioxidant that reduces oxidative stress.
    • According to research and studies, VE deficiency would impair muscle contractile function, resulting in faster development of muscular fatigue duringexercise. Hence, VE could function as a vitamin to increase energy afterexercise.

Remember to consult your doctor before incorporatingover-the-countersupplements into your diet.


维生素DDeficiency: How Much Vitamin D Is Enough?See Slideshow

9 best minerals and supplements for energy

  1. Magnesium:
    • Magnesium is an important mineral in the production of energy. It is necessary for muscle relaxation and nerve impulse transmission, making it a natural choice for people who want an extra burst of energy or have chronic tiredness due to a magnesium deficiency.
    • Magnesium can help you fight fatigue by increasing your ability to produce adenosine triphosphate, which is the molecule that our cells use as fuel when they require immediate energy.
    • Magnesium is a natural diuretic, which can help with fatigue by decreasing fluid retention and improving blood circulation.
  2. Rhodiola Rosea:
    • Rhodiola Rosea is commonly used to help the body cope with stress and improve its ability to deal with fatigue.
    • According to studies, this herb may improve physical performance and reduce mental fatigue.
  3. Creatine:
    • Creatine is a naturally occurring protein compound found in pork, red meat, poultry, and fish. It is an excellent source of immediate energy for the body.
    • High-potency liquid herbal and vitamin supplements that contain creatine can help you maintain your energy levels throughout the day.
    • Creatine supplements improve bench press strength by up to five percent.
  4. Ashwagandha:
    • According to Ayurveda, ashwagandha is one of the most powerful and important herbs and has been used in some of the world's oldest medicinal systems.
    • It is thought to boost energy levels by strengthening the body's resistance to mental and physical stress (apoptogenic property). Ashwagandha helps with fatigue caused by physical activity.
  5. Citrulline:
    • Citrulline supplements can boost energy by increasing nitric oxide levels in the body, which aid in the transportation of oxygen and nutrient-rich blood.
    • 瓜氨酸是重要的the urea cycle. It aids in the removal of excess ammonia from the body, which is known to be a major contributor to physical weakness and fatigue following strenuous exercise.
  6. Fish oil:
    • These supplements are high in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), the two main types ofomega-3 fatty acids.
    • DHA, in particular, accounts for approximately 25 percent of the fat found in the brain cells and plays an important role in brain function.
    • EPA has anti-inflammatory properties that may protect against cognitive decline associated with aging.
    • Omega-3 fatty acidshave been linked to better mood and better energy levels.
  7. Acetyl-L-carnitine:
    • This amino acid is necessary for both metabolism and energy production.
    • Taking an acetyl-L-carnitine supplement may help fight fatigue by increasing overall mental and physical endurance.
    • Some studies have reported that amino acids can help prevent age-related brain and memory problems such as milddementiaandAlzheimer'sdisease.
  8. Ginkgobiloba:
    • Ginkgo bilobahelps improve memory and thinking skills.
    • It may help protect the brain against age-related decline, according to experts.
    • Its supplement is thought to increase blood flow in the brain, and many people report improved focus and better energy levels.
    • Long-term study results for this herb are, however, awaited.
  9. L-theanine withcaffeine:
    • L-theanine andcaffeinework together to improve mood and cognitive performance. These will boost your alertness and ability to concentrate on tasks.
    • These promote energy, mental focus, and cognitive performance while avoiding crashes and jitters associated with other popular energy drinks.

Remember to consult your doctor before incorporating over-the-counter supplements into your diet.

医学上重新viewed on11/19/2021
Image Source: iStock Images

Vitamins and Minerals for Energy, Fatigue and Cognition: A Narrative Review of the Biochemical and Clinical Evidence: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7019700/

Age-Defying Energy Levels: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/age-defying-energy-levels

Ways to Improve Your Energy: https://www.webmd.com/balance/features/energy-boosting-supplements