What Is the Meaning of Transgender Female?

Medically Reviewed on12/6/2022
What Is the Meaning of Transgender Female
Transgender people often have a gender identity that does not match the sex they were assigned at birth

A transgender female is someone who identifies as a female but was labeled as male at birth.Learn about the difference between transgender and other gender terms.

Can transgender women get a period?

As transgender women are born without ovaries and a uterus, they may not experience the bleeding part of the menstrual cycle.

However, a transgender woman can transition in various ways; one such transition is through the use of gender-affirminghormone therapyin the form of oral, transdermal, or injectable versions of estrogen and anti-androgens, such asprogesterone.

These hormonal therapies may cause transgender women to experience symptoms similar to those ofpremenstrual dysphoric disordersuch as sore breasts, rapid mood shifts, and irritability.

How does a transgender person get pregnant?

Pregnancymay not be possible for transgender women as they do not have afemale reproductive system.

Although advancements in science and medicine have ignited hopes among trans women regarding the ability to bear a child with a transplanted uterus, there are no definitive answers as to whether such procedures could pave the way for trans women to be able to carry a child.

What is the difference between cisgender and transgender?

In Latin, the terms “cis” and “trans” mean:

  • Cis:On this side
  • Trans:On the other side

Cisgender is a term used for people whose gender identity aligns with the sex they were assigned at birth. For example, a cis female is born with female genitals and identifies as being a female.

Transgender is a term used for people whose gender identity does not align with the sex they were assigned at birth. So a transgender female is born with male genitals but identifies as being female.

What are different types of transgender?

Some transgender people identify as females, whereas some may identify as males. Other transgender people do not identify with one gender exclusively (a combination of either female and male elements or no association with any gender), often termed nonbinary, genderqueer, or genderfluid.

Transgender people may develop gender-non-conforming behavior, which means they may adopt customs and habits that are not typically associated with their assigned birth sex and express their identity in their talking, acting, dressing, hair styling, and other behaviors.

Not all, but a few, transgender people may undergo medical treatments to change their bodies to be compatible with their gender identity through interventions that may include hormone therapy and surgeries.

According to the National Center for Transgender Equality, there are approximately 1.4 million transgender people in the United States.


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How is gender identity different from sexual orientation?

性别认同是经常在衣服和表达havior. At the same time, sexual orientation is used to describe a person’s innate preference for romantic or sexual relationships with men, women, or both sexes. A transgender female may be sexually attracted to cis males, cis females, or other transgender people.

Sexual orientation can be categorized into the following:

  • Heterosexual or straight:People who are attracted to members of the opposite sex
  • Homosexual people (gays and lesbians):People who are attracted to people of the same sex
  • Bisexual:People who are attracted to both men and women
  • Transgender:People who can be straight, gay, lesbian, or bisexual

Gender identity is often confused with sexual orientation. In simple terms, however, gender identity is about who you are, and sexual orientation is about who you want to be with romantically, emotionally, and sexually.

What is gender dysphoria?

Gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder is a medically recognized form of psychological and emotional distress, unhappiness, andanxietycaused by the mismatch between your sex assigned at birth and your gender identity. The condition generally arises in adulthood, although it can also develop during adolescence.

这的人s distress feel an intense and persistent desire to get rid of the sexual characteristics they were born with and convert themselves to another gender completely. In addition, being rejected by family and society increases their risk of social dysphoria.

Transgender people often have to face psychological distress through stigmas and discrimination in everyday life. However, various legal authorities are fighting for legal protections to prevent discrimination against transgender people and get fair treatment concerning their lives, jobs, or medical treatments.

Signs of gender dysphoria include:

  • A feeling of conflicting gender identity and assigned sex
  • Comfortable in the role of preferred gender identity
  • Strong desire to hide or get rid of physical signs of assigned sex, such as breasts or facial hair
  • A strong dislike of the genitals of assigned sex at birth

What are disorders of sex development?

Some people are born with or later develop issues with their external genitals, reproductive organs, or sex-related hormones, known as intersex conditions, or disorders of sex development. Examples of disorders of sex development include:

  • Genitals that may not be easily categorized as male or female
  • Gender differences between reproductive organs
  • Missing/underdeveloped reproductive organs
  • Increased or decreased sex hormones
  • An unusual response to sexual hormones

At what age does a person become transgender?

Research has suggested that gender dysphoria manifests early in childhood, lasting throughout adolescence and adulthood.

A 2020 study reported that 73% of transgender women and 78% of transgender men first experienced gender dysphoria by the time they reached the age of 7.

Medically Reviewed on12/6/2022
Image Source: iStock Image

Smitha Bhandari. What Is Transgender. WebMD: https://www.webmd.com/sex-relationships/what-is-transgender

Stephanie Watson. Cisgender. WebMD: https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/cisgender-overview

Transgender Identities. Planned Parenthood: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/gender-identity/transgender