What Is a Good Way to Relax?

Ways to relax

It is important to manage stress to live a healthy and happy life.
It is important to manage stress to live a healthy and happy life.

Best ways to relax:

  1. Exercise:Exercisedoes not always meansweatingit out in the gym. Just staying physically active bywalking, practicingyogaorPilates, or dancing will help keep your mind refreshed and active. An active lifestyle results in a healthy body and mind. It is a great way to battledepressionas well. Try to keep aside at least 10-30 minutes a day to exercise but do not push yourself physically beyond what you are comfortable with. This can help you relax and reducestress.
  2. Meditation:Meditating for 10-30 minutes a day is a great way to relax, relievestress, reduce anger, and declutter your mind. It relaxes your mind and body as well as helps you focus.
  3. Gratitude:It is important to be grateful and be appreciative of what we have instead of worrying about what we do not have. You could take a few minutes in the morning, before bed, or even in the shower to express your gratitude for all that you have, your experiences, the people in your life, and how you might be more fortunate than many. You can incorporate gratitude into your meditation routine.
  4. Pets:Pets are a great way to instantly relax and put you in a positive mood. Not all pets require a lot of time, space, or money. There are many low-maintenance pets, such as hamsters, turtles, or birds. You could do your research to find a pet that suits your lifestyle and budget.
  5. Volunteering:Volunteering is a powerful way to help feel positive and happy while helping others. Volunteering can be enriching and relaxing. The appreciation you would receive from others would give you a sense of purpose and motivate you. In your free time, you could consider volunteering at local animal shelters, orphanages, or old age homes.
  6. Hobbies:Spending some time every day to do an activity you like and cultivate your hobby would make your life more enjoyable. It could be simple, such as reading a book, listening to music, playing an instrument, cooking, gardening, art, and craft. You could also join a club or attend meetups related to your hobbies; this will help you meet like-minded people. Hobbies are relaxing and help you de-stress.
  7. New experiences:Going out of your comfort zone to experience something new could add joy and excitement to your life. This could be as simple as trying a new cuisine or going on a trip. You could make it a point to enjoy a new experience once a week, such as attending a cool workshop or hiking. This can help you relax and de-stress. Also, you may get to know new people and expand your social circle.
  8. Talk to someone:Talking to someone when you are stressed or feeling down will prevent you from keeping your emotions bottled up and help you feel more relaxed. This could be a friend or relative you confide in or a counselor. There is no shame in visiting a psychologist to help deal with your emotional stress. Visiting a professional does not mean you have a “mental illness.” A professional could guide you, help you release the emotions that prevent you from relaxing, and maintain yourmental health. It is better to seek help before it is too late.
  9. Spend time with loved ones:Making time for friends and family regularly is essential to bring laughter, joy, andhappinessto your life. This can be extremely relaxing and de-stressing.
Harvard Health Publishing. Six Relaxation Techniques to Reduce Stress. September 2016. https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/six-relaxation-techniques-to-reduce-stress