What Home Remedy Is Good for Ant Bites?

Various home remedies may help treat ant bites instantly.
Various home remedies may help treat ant bites instantly.

Various home remedies may help treat ant bites instantly. Some of the good home remedies for effective treatment of ant bites include:

  • Washing the area with soap andrunningwater
  • Ants use their jaws to bite; hence, brushing them off your body with a towel or cloth is the best remedy to shrug them away
  • Applying an ice pack on the site for 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off
  • Raising the part of the body where the ant bit to reduce swelling
  • Applying 0.5-1% hydrocortisone cream to relieveitching
  • Using acalamine lotionto be applied on the site
  • Applying fresh aloe vera gel may help to soothe the site
  • Applyingtea tree oilthat seems effective in treating thepainanditch

Rather than home remedies, some of the above measures can also be consideredfirst aidtreatments, which everybody should follow.

Some of the things that should be avoided while having an ant bite include:

  • Applying ammonia solution to the site
  • Applying a solution of half bleach half water
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  • Using homeopathic medicines without consulting the physician
  • Scratching the area
  • Using vinegar or baking soda because they hardly help in case of a sting
  • Usingalcoholto wash the area
  • Using astringents such aswitch hazel

If thefirst aidtreatments or above treatment doesn’t work, then it’s better to seek a doctor’s treatment, including:

  • Painkillers such as paracetamol oribuprofento relievepainand discomfort
  • Hydrocortisone cream or ointment,antihistaminetablets, or crotamiton cream or lotion foritching
  • Steroid tablets in case of severe symptoms

How to prevent ant bites?

The following measures may be useful to prevent ant bites:

  • Immediately evacuating the spot where the ant bit you
  • Wearing protective clothing such as thick socks and boots while outdoors
  • Avoiding working in or around ant mounds
  • Using insect repellants to deter fire ants
  • Avoid stamping on fire ant mounds
  • Do pest control of your home if they invade indoors
  • Wearing gloves while gardening
  • Teaching children to spot the ant nests and staying away from them

Periodic pest control of the house will help in case you recurrent attack by the fire-ants and carpenter ants.

When to contact the doctor?

Contact the physician if you observe the following symptoms:


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