What Happens If Arrhythmia Is Left Untreated?

Untreated arrhythmia in some individuals may increase the risk of stroke, heart attack, dementia, and heart failure.

Untreated arrhythmia in some individuals may increase the risk of stroke, heart attack, dementia, and heart failure.

Untreated arrhythmia in some individuals may increase the risk ofstroke,heart attack,dementia, andheart failure.

It may lead to the inadequate blood supply to multiple organs because theheartmay not function properly.

Patients may exhibit symptoms such as dizzy spells,shortness of breath, faintness, or serious heart problems. Recurrent episodes of arrhythmia may lead to multiorgan failure and even death.

Arrhythmia is a disturbed rhythm of heartbeat; in other words, it is an irregular heartbeat:

  • When the heart beats faster than its natural rhythm of 60 to 100 beats per minute, it is called tachycardia.
  • When the heart beats too slowly compared with the average rate, it is called bradycardia.

Other common symptoms of arrhythmia include:

What are common causes of and risk factors for arrhythmia?

由于各种原因rangin可能发生心律失常g from genetic condition to medication side effects and an unhealthy lifestyle. The most common causes include:

The most common risk factors include:

  • Advancing age:People over the age of 60 years are at risk of arrhythmia.
  • Congenital heart defects(since birth)
  • Known family history
  • Previousheart attacksor surgeries:Damage to the heart can weaken the muscle and affect its electrical system.


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How is arrhythmia usually treated?

Not all arrhythmias are dangerous or life-threatening. Sometimes, the heart is perfectly healthy, but its regular rhythm is interrupted by emotionalstressor physical activity levels. Treatments may be considered if a patient is having recurrent episodes:

  • Diagnose and treat the underlying causes:These include diagnosing and treatingdiabetes,hypertension, or heart diseases.
  • Medications:Antiarrhythmic andanticoagulants药物可能被认为稳定心脏钩藤碱thm.
  • Pacemaker:It is a small electronic device that electrically stimulates the heart to maintain an appropriate heart rhythm if the heart rhythm is too slow.
  • Implantable cardiac defibrillator:This device monitors and corrects the heart rhythm if it is dangerous.
  • Defibrillation:It resets the heart rhythm by sending mild electrical currents to the heart.
  • Electricalcardioversion:A mild electricalshockrestores a normal heart rhythm while the patient is under anesthesia.
  • Catheter ablation:A catheter with an electrode on the end is inserted into the body and directed to the heart, where it gentlyburnsand inactivates the areas responsible for abnormal signals in the atria.
  • Surgery:It removes or inactivates the malfunctioning area(s) of the heart.
  • Lifestyle changes:These include managing stress, quittingsmoking, reducing alcohol intake, eating healthy foods, being physically active, managingblood pressureandcholesterol, and maintaining a healthy body weight.

What can be the outlook of patients with arrhythmia?

Having arrhythmia can increase your risk ofstroke,cardiac arrest, and heart attack. For this reason, patients should be sure to control any factors that may put them at further risk. The outlook for a patient who has arrhythmia depends on several factors including age, type, and severity of it. Even serious arrhythmia often has successful treatment. Most people who have an irregular heartbeat live normal, healthy lives if treated appropriately.

Arrhythmia: https://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/atrial-fibrillation/heart-disease-abnormal-heart-rhythm