What Foods Are Good for Fibromyalgia?

fibromyalgia diet
Fruits, vegetables and lean proteins that are rich in nutrients can help you manage fibromyalgia symptoms

Fibromyalgiais a long-term medical condition that causespain, muscle soreness andfatigue, often accompanied bydepressedmood andsleep problems.

If you suffer fromfibromyalgia, dietary changes may help you manage some of your symptoms. Eating adiet丰富的水果、vegetables and lean proteins can boost your overall health, and increasing your intake of foods that contain high amounts offiberand have fewer added sugars may help with energy levels. Vegan diets can also aid in alleviatingpainand improvingsleep.

Below are examples of the types of foods that may helpfibromyalgia symptoms:


  • Foods that are high in antioxidants protect nerve cells from touch sensitivity. These types of foods include berries, kidney beans, artichokes, pecans, beets, spinach and darkchocolate.

Whole grains

  • Brown bread, brown pasta and brown rice are healthier than refined grains because they are digested slowly and help you avoid bloodsugarspikes. Short grain brown rice cooks quickly and is easy to chew.
  • 燕麦片也是富含营养物质,vitamins, protein and fiber.

Healthy fats

  • Omega-3is a good fat that can have positive effects on the inflammation caused byfibromyalgia. Fish like salmon, mackerel and tuna are rich in this type of fat, as are brussels sprouts, eggs, chia seeds, walnuts, sardines, flax seeds and soybeans.
  • Avocados not only contain healthyfatsbut are also rich invitaminsB, C, E and K and矿物质such as manganese and iron.Vitamin Eespecially can help withmuscle pain.

Fruits and vegetables

  • Bananas can help boost energy levels, as they are high in carbohydrates, vitamin B6 and potassium.
  • Non-citrus fruits such as pineapple,papayaand guava contain enzymes that are beneficial to the gut.
  • Dried fruit, seeds and beans are rich in magnesium and help the body use calcium properly. Dried fruit makes a great alternative to sugary snacks.
  • Cauliflower, cabbage, turnip, squash and carrots can help with fibromyalgia symptoms as well.

  • Fibromyalgia sufferers should drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day. A variety of herbal and fruit teas may also be beneficial.

What foods should be avoided with fibromyalgia?

While it’s important to eat adietrich in nutrients and avoid unhealthy food, there is no single “fibromyalgia diet” since what works for one person may not work for another. In order to understand what foods may trigger your fibromyalgia symptoms, experiment to find out what is right for you.

In general, you should avoid foods that are bad for overall health, such as processed foods, oily or fried foods, refined sugars, red meat,alcohol和奶制品。

As with any dietary change, try to stick to your diet for a few weeks at least to see which foods lessen and which foods worsen your fibromyalgia pain.


What Is Fibromyalgia (Fibro)? Symptoms, Causes, Helpful TreatmentsSee Slideshow
Nutrition Medicine. Nutritional Medicine Treatment for Fibromyalgia Syndrome. http://nutritionmedicine.org/what-is/what-is-fibromyalgia/natural-treatments-for-fibromyalgia/