What Foods Are Bad for Urinary Retention?

What foods are bad for urinary retention?

Certain foods and beverages are irritating to the bladder and may cause urinary retention.
Certain foods and beverages are irritating to the bladder and may cause urinary retention.

Urinary retentionis a condition in which you cannot empty your bladder completely. While no direct connection exists betweendietand urinary retention, certain foods may aggravate urinary retention

  • Acidic and spicy foods:A few people complain of bladder issues with acidic and spicy foods. Acidic foods include citrus fruits and their juices, pineapple, vinegar, tomatoes and tomato products. Spicy foods include hot peppers, curry, chili sauce and powder, etc. Cuisines like Mexican, Thai and Indian are usually spicy.
  • Artificial sweeteners:Some people feel discomfort and pressure in the lower abdominal area when they consume artificial sweeteners, such asSaccharin,Aspartame, andAcesulfame K.
  • Constipation:Constipationmay cause urinary retention. Processed foods, such as white bread, sweets, hotdogs, french fries and fast food, may causeconstipation. Skipping meals may also increase the risk of constipation and one should avoid missing meals when they have urinary retention.
  • Caffeinatedfoods anddrinks:As a diuretic,caffeinemay aggravate symptoms associated with urinary retention, such as urgency.Caffeineis present in a variety of different foods andbeverages, includingchocolate, coffee and tea. An individual may need to limit caffeine intake to avoid urinary retention.

What foods should be eaten to keep the bladder healthy?

An individual with a sensitive bladder may need to keep a diary of foods that may trigger urinary problems and foods that can keep their bladder healthy. Below are a few common food options for patients with a sensitive bladder

  • Bananas:香蕉是伟大的小吃,也可以used as toppings for cereals or in smoothies.
  • Potatoes:Any type of potatoes are good for bladder health.
  • Nuts:Almonds, cashews and peanuts are bladder friendly. They are also healthy snacks and rich in protein.
  • Eggs:These are rich in protein and are considered a common beneficial food for many bladder conditions.
  • Whole grains:Quinoa, rice and oats are just a few examples of whole grains. They come in many varieties and are generally good for health.
  • Green beans:Green beans are healthy for people with a sensitive bladder.
  • Winter squash:These include acorn, butternut and spaghetti squash. They may be added to the bladderdiet.
  • Lean proteins:Low-fat beef, pork, chicken, turkey and fish can be eaten, especially when baked, steamed or broiled. They are unlikely to bother the bladder.
  • Pears:Pears are a good source offiberand they are bladder friendly.
  • Coconut water:Packed withelectrolytes, coconut water is a well-known remedy for many problems affecting the urinary tract. It also has mild diuretic properties, promoting urinary output.
  • Pineapple juice:100% pure pineapple juice has similar qualities to coconut water and can be a great alternative.
  • Carrot juice:When consumed regularly, carrot juice can help control urinary retention. Besides being healthy for you, it can also help relieve the burning sensation felt each time you empty your bladder.

What are the common symptoms of urinary retention?

Symptoms of chronic urinary retention are

  • The bladder does not empty completely
  • Difficulty initiating urination
  • Slow, weak or interrupted urinary stream
  • Having to urinate multiple times to empty the bladder
  • Dribbling of urine after completion of urination
  • Urinary urgencyor frequency
  • Leakage of urine
  • Recurrenturinary tract infections

Should I be worried about urinary retention?

Urinary retention affects people of all ages and occurs in both sexes. However, it is most common in older men who have anenlarged prostategland. It develops slowly over time. You may not notice it until you are unable to urinate. This causes swelling and discomfort in your bladder. It is a condition that is diagnosed in millions of adults due to various causes, but it doesn’t have to control your life. If you’re struggling from one or more of the symptoms of urinary retention, you may need to visit aurologist. Diagnosis is important in case of urinary retention as treatment starts with identifying an underlying medical cause.


According to the USDA, there is no difference between a “portion” and a “serving.”See Answer
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