What Foods Are Bad for Allergies?

foods that are bad for allergies
If you have a pollen allergy, you may want to avoid certain foods. Learn about which foods are good and bad for seasonal allergies

Seasonalallergiesaffect millions of people, with two of the most common types beingallergic rhinitis(hay fever) andallergic conjunctivitis(眼睛过敏). Because most are caused bypollen, seasonalallergiescan get worse during certain times of the year depending on whether the pollenallergenis tree (March/April), grass (June/July), or weed (August/September).

Allergy symptomscan make you miserable, causingsneezing,coughing,runny nose, oritchyeyes and throat. But aside from takingallergymedications, are there foods you should eat or avoid to help with your symptoms?

Does diet affect seasonal allergies?

There are many populardietremedies for seasonalallergies, whether it’s eating local honey, going vegan orvegetarian, or avoiding grains, dairy, and sugars.

While there is no definitive scientific proof that yourdietcan affect yourallergysymptoms, it’s possible that avoiding certain foods may help. That’s because some foods can cause reactions that are similar to seasonal allergies.

However, before making changes to your diet, it’s best to talk to your doctor about what they recommend.


Foods that may worsen your seasonalallergysymptoms include the following:

  • If you’reallergicto birch pollen:You may want to avoid eating foods that contain proflins, which are proteins similar to that of birch pollen and can cause symptoms like swelling oritchingin the mouth, tongue, or lips. Foods that contain profilins include:
    • Peaches
    • Plums
    • Apricots
    • Apples
    • Kiwi
    • Pears
    • Cherries
    • Carrots
    • Celery
    • Almonds
    • Hazelnuts
    • Peanuts
    • Aniseed
    • Soybeans
    • Caraway
    • Fennel
    • Parsley
  • If you’re allergic to ragweed pollen:You may experience allergic reactions to certain foods that cause symptoms involvingitchingor tingling in the mouth and throat and coughing. These foods include:
    • Sunflower seeds
    • Bananas
    • Cucumbers
    • Melons
    • Zucchini
    • Kiwi
  • If you’re allergic to grass pollen:Foods that containlycopenecan cause allergic reactions:
    • Tomatoes
    • Peanuts
    • Swiss chard
    • Celery
  • Spicy foods:Too much spice in your food can worsen allergy symptoms such as runny nose andwatery eyes.
  • Processed foods:Deep-fried foods and foods made with refined flour,sugar, or a ton of salt can worsen allergy symptoms.
  • Beer:啤酒也可以allerg恶化y symptoms, especially in people allergic to grass.


Allergies can best be described as:See Answer

What foods can help with seasonal allergies?

Including certain foods in your diet can help strengthen your immunity and curb inflammation, which can in turn help with seasonal allergy symptoms:

  • Polyphenols
    • Honey
    • Leafy vegetables
    • Broccoli
    • Bell peppers
    • Berries
    • Pineapples
    • Cocoa
  • Antioxidants
  • Probiotics
    • Yogurt
  • Resveratrol
    • Grapes
  • Goodfats
    • Fatty fish

