What Does Viagra Do to a Woman?

Viagra for women
Women with certain sexual dysfunctions may benefit from taking Viagra since the pill increases blood flow to the genitals, which could help increase arousal, sensitivity and orgasmic function.

通用药物sildenafil, marketed under the brand nameViagra, is taken orally to treaterectile dysfunctionin men. Women with a functional sexual disorder (FSD) were givenViagrapills to increase sex drive, sexual performance, low sexual desire, sensitivity and orgasmic function since the drug dilates the blood vessels and increases blood flow to the genitals.

Studies on the use ofsildenafilfor treating women with sexual dysfunction have yielded inconsistent results. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did not approve the use of female Viagra, although studies are still underway to use the drug in women for conditions ranging fromdysmenorrheato reduced libido.

Furthermore, a study in 2008 found that Viagra pills benefited women with reduced libido who were onantidepressants, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors.

What is Viagra?

Viagra is a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor that aids in the relaxation of the smooth muscles. It particularly causes vasodilation, increased blood flow to the genitals and penis and causes penile erections in men. The PDE5 inhibitor also causes an increased blood supply to the vagina, which causes clitoris erections in women. Women with the functional sexual disorder (FSD) andatherosclerosishave diminished blood flow to their genitals.

Studies have shown that Viagra pills may improve arousal problems in women but cannot treat desire issues. According to a few research studies, Viagra may improve arousal sensation, lubrication andorgasmin women with female sexual arousal disorder (FSAD), but it showed no improvement in women with other types of FSDs such as hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) or painful sexual intercourse (dyspareunia).

Another study found that the effect of Viagra on women is significantly diminished due to a lower concentration of PDE5 inhibitors in the vagina and clitoris than in the penis.

Sometimes, doctors may prescribe Addyi (flibanserin), which is sometimes called “female Viagra,” however it does not work the same way. Addyi is geared towards stimulating the sexual neurotransmitters of the brain. This FDA approved pill worked in about 1 in 10 participants during a 24-week clinical trial.

What is sexual dysfunction?

Sexual dysfunction may arise during any phase of the sexual response cycle and prevents you from experiencing satisfaction from sexual activity. Sexual dysfunction can be seen in women of any age, but it is more common at 40 years of age.

Women with sexual dysfunction have symptoms such as:

  • Low sexual desire and sex drive
  • Inability to get aroused
  • Insufficient vaginal lubrication before and during intercourse
  • Painful intercourse
  • The vaginal muscles may not relax enough to allow intercourse
  • Inability to attain orgasm

The following are factors that can influence a woman's sexual desire:

  • Their desire for sex is depleted because of thestressof daily living.
  • Sexual desire highs and lows are linked to the start or end of a relationship, as well as major life events, such aspregnancyormenopause.
  • Side effects from other medications, such asnauseaorlow blood pressure, may inhibit female sexuality.
  • Orgasm can be difficult to achieve for some women, withanxietyor preoccupations leading to a loss of interest in sex.
  • Desire is frequently linked to prior experiences and a sense of intimacy between lovers. Psychological issues can contribute to biological issues over time and vice versa.
  • Chronic conditions such asmultiple sclerosisordiabetesmay change the sexual-response cycle and orgasmic responses.

What is the treatment of sexual dysfunction?

Consult your healthcare provider if you're experiencing changes in or difficulty with your sexual function. There may be several reasons for sexual dysfunction, and the strategy is to treat the underlying physical or psychological problem.

  • If sexual dysfunction may be caused by any medical treatment, it is recommended to change to other medicine with no to fewer side effects or stop the medicine if it is not necessary.
    • Medication, hormones, creams, clitoral stimulation and other treatments may be beneficial in some circumstances. Such women may be treated with Viagra to improve their situation.
  • An expensive treatment with a vacuum device (EROS-CTD) was approved for use in women.
  • 使用振动器可能improve sexual enjoyment and climax.
  • Counseling with a sex therapist and psychotherapy may be helpful.
  • Communication between the partners helps build a strong bond and overcome barriers to healthy sex life.


Pelvic Pain: What's Causing Your Pelvic Pain?See Slideshow
Do Women Need Their Own “Viagra”?: https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/ob-gyn/ur-medicine-menopause-and-womens-health/menopause-blog/august-2015/do-women-need-their-own-viagra.aspx

Sexual Dysfunction: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/9121-sexual-dysfunction

VIAGRA BLUNTS EFFECTS OF STRESS ON THE HUMAN HEART: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/Press_releases/2005/10_25_05.html