What Does Sea Moss Do to the Body?

医疗ly Reviewed on10/12/2021
what does sea moss do to the body
Sea moss is a type of seaweed that is rich in minerals and vitamins. However, many health claims are based on anecdotal reports and not scientific studies

Sea moss is a type of seaweed that is rich in矿物质andvitamins. However, many health claims are based on anecdotal reports or studies that have been conducted on other types of seaweed and algae.

5 potential benefits of sea moss

  1. May support thyroid function:Sea moss is a rich source ofiodineand may support thyroid function.
  2. May support immunity:One study conducted on salmon found that supplemental seaweed improved the functioning of the immune system.
  3. May be good for the gut:Sea moss is a good source of live bacteria andfiber, so it may replenish the body with good bacteria and improve gut health.
  4. May help withweight loss:The fiber content of seaweed can make you feel full and curb your cravings for more calories.
  5. May improvehearthealth: Some studies have reported that seaweed lowers your low-density lipoproteincholesterol levels, one of the risk factors for heart diseases.

Studies on sea moss and seaweed so far have been conducted in test tubes or on animals, not on humans. More research is needed to determine its medical benefits.

What is the best way to consume sea moss?

You can use sea moss in raw, gel, or dried form and add to soups and stews for its thickening effect.

Sea moss gel

  • Soak dried sea moss in water overnight.
  • Rinse the soaked sea moss and add it to a blender with clean water.
  • Blend the sea moss mixture into a smooth paste.
  • Refrigerate it until it turns into a gel.

Sea moss powder

If you have powdered sea moss, you can add it to juices and smoothies or sprinkle it over yogurt or cereal. You can also mix sea moss powder into certain dishes to create a gel-like effect.

3 side effects of sea moss

Since there hasn’t been much research on sea moss, it is hard to say whether it is safe for everyone. Potential drawbacks of sea moss include:

  • Unknown nutritional value:The nutritional value of sea moss can vary greatly based on the environment in which it has been grown.
  • Risk ofhypothyroidism:Because there is inconsistency in the amount of iodine in sea moss, you may end up consuming too much iodine, which can lead to hypothyroidism orunderactive thyroid. This condition can cause disturbances in growth and metabolism. You may experience symptoms such asweight gain,hair loss, dryness of the skin and hair, and even complications such asinfertility.
  • Risk of heavy metal consumption:Seaweed is known to carry a high amount of contaminants such as heavy metals. Sea moss may come with similar risks.

Consult your doctor before you include sea moss in your dailydiet.


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医疗ly Reviewed on10/12/2021
Health Benefits of Sea Moss. https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-sea-moss#2