What Does Anal Cancer Feel Like?

Medically Reviewed on5/20/2022

What are the symptoms and signs of anal cancer?

Anal cancer
Anal cancer may cause no symptoms during its early stages. When symptoms do occur, they could be signs of benign (noncancerous) conditions, such as anal warts or hemorrhoids (painful, swollen veins in the anus, and rectum that may bleed).

Anal canceris the uncontrolled growth of cells in the tissues of the anus. The anus is the terminal part of the digestive tract. It is the channel through which the poop passes out of the body from the rectum (the last part of the large bowel) during a bowel movement.Anal canceris rare when compared to certain othercancersaffecting the gut, such ascolon cancerandrectal cancer. Thiscancergenerally affects people who are older than 60 years. It is rare in those younger than 35 years. The risk of analcanceris higher in white women and black men as compared to the rest of the population.

Analcancerresults when the cells in the anus start multiplying uncontrollably because of some sudden mutation in the genes of the affected cells. Thehuman papillomavirus(HPV) infection is most commonly associated with anal cancer. Also, the presence of certain risk factors, such ascigarette smoking, older age, lower immunity, or anal sex, may increase the risk of anal cancer.

What are the symptoms and signs of anal cancer?

Anal cancer may cause no symptoms during its early stages. When symptoms do occur, they could be signs of benign (noncancerous) conditions, such as analwartsorhemorrhoids(painful, swollen veins in the anus, and rectum that may bleed). The earliest symptom of anal cancer is generally bleeding through the anus. The commonsymptoms of anal cancerinclude:

  • Bleeding from the anus (it may appear as fresh blood during bowel movements or as blood-stained underwear)
  • ContinuousItchingin the anal region
  • A lump or mass in the anal region
  • Abnormal anal discharge
  • Enlarged or swollen glands in or around the anus or the groin
  • Change in bowel habits (such as frequency, size, or difficulty) (For instance, some people may report the need to use the bathroom more often, strain during bowel movements, or haveloose stools. Some people may report that their stools have become narrower, some may experience increased straining, or some may use the bathroom more often).

The symptoms may be worsened by bowel movements or sex. Other symptoms associated with cancer, such as

  • reduced appetite,
  • unintended loss of weight,
  • lethargy, and
  • weaknessmay also be seen.

These symptoms may also be seen in noncancerous conditions affecting the anorectal region. Consult a physician for a definitive diagnosis.

Is anal cancer curable?

Anal cancer can be cured in most patients, especially when cancer got diagnosed early and treatment began in time. Early diagnosis and treatment are important and remain the key to the long-term survival of this anal cancer. If experiencing anysymptoms of anal cancer, seek urgent medical attention. When ignored, anal cancer can advance to cause serious complications.

The treatment of anal cancer largely depends on the type of anal cancer and the extent to which it has spread (determined by the staging of anal cancer). Treatment includes several options, generally used in combination, such as:

  • Surgery
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation therapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Newer therapy options, such as the use of radiosensitizers, are being used inclinical trials. One may enroll themselves in any of these trials to see how well the new treatment options work for them.

About 90% of analsquamous cell carcinomaoccurs in patients with detectable evidence of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. The 5-year survival rates by anal cancer stage and cell type include:

  • Squamous cell: 71% for stage I, 64% for stage II, 48% for stage IIIA, 43% for stage IIIB, and 21% for stage IV
  • Non-squamous: 59% for stage I, 53% for stage II, 38% for stage IIIA, 24% for stage IIIB, and 7% for stage IV
The 5-year survival rates by anal cancer stage and cell type chart
Anal Cancer Types Stages Survival Rate
Squamous cell Stage I 71%
Stage II 64%
Stage IIIA, IIIB 48%, 43%
Stage IV 21%
Non-Squamous cell Stage I 59%
Stage II 53%
Stage IIIA, IIIB 38%, 24%
Stage IV 7%


Skin Cancer Symptoms, Types, ImagesSee Slideshow
Medically Reviewed on5/20/2022
American Cancer Society. Key Statistics for Anal Cancer. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/anal-cancer/about/what-is-key-statistics.html

Ryan DP, Willett CG. Clinical Features and Staging of Anal Cancer. UpToDate. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/clinical-features-and-staging-of-anal-cancer?search=anal%20cancer&source=search_result&selectedTitle=2~125&usage_type=default&display_rank=2