What Does a Vestibular Migraine Feel Like? Treatment, Triggers

Medically Reviewed on3/24/2022
vestibular migraine
Vestibular migraine is a type of migraine that causes vertigo, as well as dizziness, unsteadiness, or lack of balance.

Vestibularmigraineis atype ofmigrainethat causesvertigo(a sensation that you are spinning or your surroundings are moving or falling around you) as its primary symptom. As part of theirmigraine symptoms, up to 40 percent of people with migraine will havevertigoor balance issues.

Other symptoms may includedizziness, unsteadiness, or lack of balance, which may or may not be accompanied by aheadache.

  • People generally report that they wereseverely dizzy out of nowhereand don't feel like they were standing on solid ground.
  • Some people describe it asspinning or rocking sensation.
  • They become queasy or puke up as a result of light or sound sensitivity.
  • Episodes can last from minutes to hours, and there is a chronic variety in which people are frequently out of balance.
  • Many people have a history of migraineheadachesbefore developing vestibular migraine.

There is frequently a significant association betweenmigrainesandvertigo, but not all episodes ofvertigoare accompanied by amigraine headache, making this disease difficult to diagnose.

17 symptoms of vestibular migraine

Vestibular migraine can cause various symptoms.

Seventeen signs and symptoms of vestibular migraine include:

  1. Vertigo
  2. Imbalance or unsteadiness
  3. Nausea/vomiting
  4. Floaty/fuzzy/dizziness
  5. Sweating/panic
  6. Sensitivity to light/noise/motion
  7. Tinnitus
  8. Headache/pressure feeling in your head
  9. Ear fullness
  10. Visual changes/aura
  11. Tiredness
  12. Pins and needles/numbness in the face
  13. Hearing loss
  14. Flashing lights
  15. Numbness
  16. Tingling of parts of the body
  17. Difficulty speaking

症状可以开发超过几个小时和frequently leave you feeling fatigued and depleted. Vestibular migraine is becoming a more widely accepted cause of episodic vertigo.

What are the risk factors for vestibular migraine?

Risk factors for vestibularmigrainesinclude:

  • You are at an increased risk of a vestibular migraine if you are a woman between 20 and 40 years.
  • People with a history of migraines or a family history of severeheadachesmay develop vestibular migraines.


16 Surprising Headache Triggers and Tips for Pain ReliefSee Slideshow

What are the possible triggers and causes of vestibular migraine?

The precise cause of vestibular migraines is unknown. Many experts, however, feel that there is overlap and erroneous connections betweenpainsignals and vestibular signals from the inner ear, as well as electrical migraine pathways.

Many of the generally establishedmigraine triggers, such as lack ofsleep, consumption of monosodium glutamate, and certain other foods anddehydration, are contributing factors to vestibular migraines.

Vestibular migraine is the most prevalent cause of spontaneous episodic vertigo in adults, accounting for about 10 percent of all people coming to a dizziness clinic. The overall incidence in the general population is about one percent.

The following are some of the most common causes and triggers of a vestibular migraine:

  • Environmental triggers
  • Hormonal fluctuations

Twelvecommon causes or triggersof a vestibular migraine include:

  1. Menstrual periods
  2. Weather changes (barometric pressure variations)
  3. Stress
  4. Certain medications
  5. Sleepdisturbances
  6. Hormone replacement therapy
  7. Caffeine
  8. Exercise
  9. Watching screens such as computers or TV
  10. Bright lights
  11. Certain foods
  12. Skipping meals

Thirteenfood triggersof vestibular migraines include:

  1. Aged or ripened cheese
  2. Alcohol
  3. Artificial sweeteners
  4. 某些水果,如鳄梨、葡萄干、激情fruit, banana, and citrus fruit
  5. Chocolateand cocoa
  6. Fermented foods
  7. Foods with monosodium glutamate
  8. Nuts and nut butter
  9. Peapods and bean pods
  10. Smoked, cured, or processed meats
  11. Sour cream, yogurt, or buttermilk
  12. Tea, coffee, and othercaffeinatedbeverages
  13. Yeast bread

4 treatment options for a vestibular migraine

Vestibular migraine is a complicated condition that necessitates a proper diagnosis. It can be treated in various ways.

Four treatment options for a vestibular migraine include:

  1. Medications:
    • Aneurologistmay prescribe one or moredrugsto assist alleviate the symptoms of a vestibular migraine.
    • Certain medications can help prevent migraines, whereas others can help you manage a migraine that you already have.
  2. Dietmodifications:
    • Your doctor may ask you to avoid the foods that can trigger migraines.
  3. Vestibular rehabilitation:
    • A vestibular rehabilitation therapist may be recommended by your neurologists to assist you to learn coping methods for your problems.
  4. Lifestyle modifications:
    • A specialist will advise you to obtain enough sleep, take steps to reducestressin your everyday life, andexerciseregularly.

Medical treatments for vestibular migraine

If lifestyle adjustments alone aren't enough to control your vestibular migraine (which is rather frequent), your doctor can prescribe various drugs, including:

  • Beta-blockers:
    • They work by limiting blood vessel dilatation, which is suspected to play a role in migraine development.
  • Calcium channel blockers:
    • They work by keeping the artery walls from contracting and constricting by inhibiting calcium transport across cell membrane barriers.
  • Variousantidepressants:
    • They assist in reducing the symptoms of stress andanxiety, including migraines, which can occur as a result of stress.
    • These drugs help modulate serotonin levels, which can reduce migraine frequency and/or severity.
  • Physical therapy:
    • Physical therapy is an important aspect of treating this form of migraine.
    • Most people are scared to move their heads or leave their homes due to vestibular migraine.
    • The physical therapist can explain the disease and the need of staying active. Gait and balance exercises will be used to lessen your dizzy sensations, and habituation activities will be performed to reduce your chance of falling.
    • Exercises are not performed during an acute attack but are gradually resumed when it ends.
    • The therapist may provide you with a list of typical triggers that you might use to decrease or avoid the intensity or frequency of spells.

重要的是要注意,与任何形式的migraine, home remedies such as essential oils and herbal mixes are not supported by science and are unlikely to provide the relief you seek. Only a doctor can properly diagnose and treat your vestibular migraines.

The advantages of vestibular migraine treatment are dependent on your unique circumstances. During your session, your consultant will go over these with you. Medication for vestibular migraines should assist to eliminate the main symptoms. This should greatly improve your quality of life.

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Medically Reviewed on3/24/2022
Image Source: iStock Images

Vestibular Migraines: https://www.webmd.com/migraines-headaches/vestibular-migraines#:

Management of vestibular migraine: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3105632/

VESTIBULAR MIGRAINE: https://vestibular.org/article/diagnosis-treatment/types-of-vestibular-disorders/vestibular-migraine/

What to Know About Vestibular Migraine: https://americanmigrainefoundation.org/resource-library/vestibular-migraine/

Vestibular Migraine: How to Sort it Out and What to Do About it: https://journals.lww.com/jneuro-ophthalmology/fulltext/2019/06000/vestibular_migraine__how_to_sort_it_out_and_what.10.aspx