What Does a Miscarriage at 5 Weeks Feel Like?

Medically Reviewed on1/11/2022
miscarriage at 5 weeks
Miscarriage at 5 weeks may often go unnoticed or feel like a heavier period, including symptoms such as vaginal bleeding or discharge.

Miscarriage, also called spontaneous abortion orpregnancyloss, atfive weeks may often go unnoticed.

When present, symptoms are often nonspecific andmay feel like a heavier period, including:

许多女性do not exhibit any symptoms, especially in the case of earlypregnancyloss.

Although spotting may be caused by abortion, it may be a normal sign in early pregnancy. Nonetheless, you must consult your doctor to get the doubt clear.

At times, abortion may be diagnosed after anultrasoundis performed without any symptoms experienced by the woman. Some women may doubt having a miscarriage when they feel that theirpregnancy symptoms(乳房丰满或温柔,morning sickness, etc.) are diminishing.

When to contact your doctor

If you think that you are having a miscarriage, you must contact your healthcare provider. If ignored, you may develop complications such as severe blood loss and infections.

You must seek emergency medical care if you experience the following:

  • Excessive bleeding (the need to change more than two pads every hour)
  • Passing large clots (more than the size of a golf ball)
  • Severepainor cramps in the abdomen or pelvic region
  • Foul-smelling discharge
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting
  • Severe pain in the back or shoulder
  • Diarrhea
  • Pain during bowel movements

What causes a miscarriage at 5 weeks?

Miscarriage most commonly occurs during thefirst trimester(first 12 weeks of pregnancy) due to the following reasons:

  • Genetic abnormalities in the fetus:Chromosomal abnormalities are the most common cause of pregnancy loss during the first trimester. They account for about half of the miscarriages in the first trimester and about 70 percent of all miscarriages occurring before the 20th week of pregnancy.
  • ute异常rus:Depending on the severity and location, certain abnormalities in the uterus such as an incompetent cervix, fibroids, septa, polyps, or adhesions may result in miscarriage. These conditions may be managed by surgery to prevent any future pregnancy losses.
  • Advanced maternal age:The risk of abortion increases in older women (older than 35 years). Data suggests that over one-third ofpregnantwomen who are older than 40 years may have a first-trimester miscarriage. Moreover, advanced maternal age may increase the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.
  • Infections:Certain infections may increase the risk of miscarriage such as various bacterial, viral, and protozoal infections such assyphilis,group B strep,zika virus, parvovirus B19, andcytomegalovirusinfections.
  • Injuries:Severetraumaor injury that directly impacts the uterus may result in a miscarriage, for example, gunshot wounds, assaults, or road traffic accidents. Additionally, certain diagnostic procedures such asamniocentesisand绒毛膜绒毛取样may cause injury and miscarriage.
  • Substance abuse:Substance abuse including excessivesmokingandalcoholconsumption may increase the risk of miscarriage. Using illegaldrugssuch ascocainemay increase the risk of unfavorable pregnancy outcomes including fetal abnormalities and miscarriage.
  • Chronic diseases:Certain chronic diseases in the mother may increase miscarriage risk, which includes uncontrolleddiabetes, thyroid diseases,obesity, orheartdiseases.
  • History of miscarriage:A previous miscarriage may increase the risk of having a subsequent miscarriage. Studies report that women whose mothers had a miscarriage may be more likely to have a miscarriage.
  • Exposure to toxins:Environmental pollution and exposure to certain toxic chemicals such as lead,arsenic, andradiationmay increase miscarriage risk.
  • Immune system disorders:Certain immunological conditions such aslupusmay increase the risk of miscarriage.
  • Medications:Certain medications such as retinoids,diclofenac, andibuprofenmay increase miscarriage risk.

Does the COVID-19 vaccine increase the risk of miscarriage?

Data, so far, does not suggest any increase in the risk of miscarriage after theCOVID-19mRNAvaccine(Pfizer-BioNTech and ModernaCOVID-19vaccines).

  • No adverse effects concerningfertilitywere observed in people who receivedCOVID-19vaccines.
  • Animal studies have reported that Pfizer-BioNTech, J&J/Janssen, and Moderna COVID-19vaccinesdid not cause any harm to pregnant animals or theirbabies.

Pregnant women are more likely to get a severe form of COVID-19.

The potential risk of COVID-19 vaccines is far outweighed by their proven benefits in pregnant andbreastfeedingwomen. The Centers for Disease Control andPreventionencourages pregnant and breastfeeding women and those planning to get pregnant to get their COVID-19 vaccine including booster shots as and when recommended.

Studies report that maternal vaccination may protect babies against COVID-19.

Does caffeine consumption increase miscarriage risk?

Excessivecaffeineconsumption may increase miscarriage risk, therefore experts recommend limitingcaffeineintake to less than 200 mg a day. This amount is roughly equivalent to two cups of coffee.

You must discuss your caffeine intake with your gynecologist, especially if you are at a high risk of miscarriage.

Medically Reviewed on1/11/2022
Image Source: iStock Images


