什么是re the Negative Effects of Turmeric?

Medically Reviewed on1/20/2023
Consuming turmeric and curcumin can have adverse effects on your body

姜黄一直使用传统的东部medicine for its health benefits. Curcumin, which is the main bioactive component in turmeric, is a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties.

However, while turmeric and curcumin are generally safe to consume, too much of a good thing can be dangerous. Taking turmeric in large doses has potential risks:

Depending on your overall health and whether you have conditions like gastrointestinal disorders orkidney stones, you should speak with your doctor before taking turmeric supplements.

How much turmeric is safe to consume?

Studies that show the health benefits of turmeric use turmeric extracts that contain mostly curcumin in doses exceeding 1 gram per day. Since it’s difficult to consume that much naturally in a regulardiet, turmeric is often taken as a supplement, where the curcumin content is much higher.

Generally speaking, an acceptable amount of curcumin supplement to take on a daily basis is about 1.4 milligrams per pound of body weight, up to 12 grams. Anything more than that can cause you to have adverse reactions.

Who should not take turmeric?

Turmeric contains several active alkaloids. High doses of turmeric could have a blood-thinning effect; if taken on top of prescribedanticoagulants. Hence, people with the following conditions should avoid it or use it with caution.

  • Bleeding disorder: Persons who take injectable blood thinners should avoid taking turmeric.
  • Diabetes: Curcumin in turmeric might reduce bloodsugarlevels in diabetic patients. Hence, doctors advise people withdiabetesto be cautious or avoid taking turmeric.
  • Gallbladder problems: Persons should avoid using turmeric supplements if they havegallstonesor bile duct obstruction.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD): Turmeric can worsen stomach problems such asGERD. People with GERD should monitor for exacerbation of symptoms while taking turmeric.
  • Infertility: Turmeric may cause infertility in men.
  • Iron deficiency: High amount of turmeric may interact with iron absorption in the body.
  • Liver disease: Turmeric might damage theliver, especially in people withliver disease.
  • Hormone-sensitive conditions such asbreast cancer, uterinecancer,ovarian cancer,endometriosis, oruterine fibroids: Curcumin in turmeric may act like the hormone estrogen in some studies.
  • arrhythmia: There is a report of a man who consumed 1,500 grams of turmeric in a day and succumbed to an abnormal heart rhythm.
  • Pregnancy: Turmeric is a uterine stimulant and may induce the menstrual cycle in pregnant women.


According to the USDA, there is no difference between a “portion” and a “serving.”See Answer

Is it safe to take turmeric every day?

Turmeric is a yellow spice commonly used in Asian cuisine. People also consume it because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Taking turmeric in low amounts (the levels added to food) generally does not pose any health problems. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is safe to consume 1.4 mg of turmeric per pound of body weight each day. Higher doses of turmeric, however, when consumed for longer periods may harm the body. This means the use of turmeric in gel form and lozenges as supplements. According to a report, a person who consumed high amounts of turmeric (over 1500 mg twice a day) experienced a dangerous heart rhythm problem. Although there is no concrete evidence that the abnormal heart rhythm was caused by turmeric, it is better to avoid taking turmeric in high doses, especially for longer periods.

If a person has any underlying health conditions or is taking any medications (including blood thinners, medications for heart diseases,blood pressure,diabetes, liver diseases, or kidney ailments), they must take their doctor’s advice before consuming turmeric.

What are the health benefits of turmeric?

Turmeric has long been hailed for its healing properties. Although most of its claimed benefits do not have any scientific backing, it is still a popular home remedy for several health conditions. Some of the proposed health benefits of turmeric are

As opposed to the previous claims, turmeric does not help reduce stomach ulcers.

Does turmeric help prevent COVID-19?

There is no scientific evidence to prove that turmeric or any other supplement helps prevent or treatCOVID-19infection. Experts recommend that people must consume a healthydietrich in fruits and vegetables, drink lots of water and perform regularexerciseto stay fit. To help prevent the spread ofCOVID-19:

  • get vaccinated if eligible,
  • wear a mask properly,
  • practice respiratory hygiene and
  • maintain social distancing.
Medically Reviewed on1/20/2023
WebMD. Health Benefits of Turmeric. https://www.webmd.com/diet/ss/slideshow-turmeric

WebMD. Turmeric. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-662/turmeric

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Turmeric. National Institutes of Health. https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/turmeric

Keith S. Turmeric. Nutrition Today. 2020; 55(1): 45-56. https://journals.lww.com/nutritiontodayonline/fulltext/2020/01000/turmeric__potential_health_benefits.9.aspx

World Health Organization. Fact or Fiction. https://www.who.int/southeastasia/outbreaks-and-emergencies/novel-coronavirus-2019/fact-or-fiction

Versus Arthritis. Turmeric. https://www.versusarthritis.org/about-arthritis/complementary-and-alternative-treatments/types-of-complementary-treatments/turmeric/