What Are the Negative Effects of Coffee?

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the US.
Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the US.

Coffee is one of the most popularbeveragesin the US. People drink coffee several times a day citing the reason that it makes them stay alert and focused. And yes! It does. The effect is due to the stimulant,caffeine.

Generally, up to 400 milligrams ofcaffeinein a day is considered safe for most adults. This comes to around four cups of coffee (1 cup= 8 ounces). Problems due to coffee intake arise when people become addicted to it, crossing the limit.

The negative effects of excessive coffee intake on the body include:

These effects can occur in some caffeine-sensitive people even if they drink only two to four cups of coffee a day.

Women who arepregnant, trying to get pregnant or arebreastfeedingneed to limit their caffeine intake to less than 200 mg/day. Many gynecologists believe that coffee intake inpregnancymust be completely stopped. Also, people who suffer from heartburn oracid refluxshould either consume coffee in very little quantities or avoid it completely.

Since coffee increases your alertness, it should be avoided at least 4 to 6 hours before going to bed.

If you are on medications, please ask your doctor if any of these medications interact with coffee. Somedrugs, such asephedrine(used in decongestants), are known to increase your blood pressure and the risk of gettingstrokeif taken along with coffee.

What are the health benefits of drinking coffee?

While past studies have pointed out at the negative side of coffee, recent studies hint at its potential health benefits. The benefits are thought to be due to the antioxidants or anti-inflammatory agents present in coffee. These agents have been implicated in exerting disease-preventing effects on your body.

A daily cup of coffee may protect you against a host of problems, including:

You can even make use of your daily cup of coffee to make healthier choices. Coffee consumed with fat-free, low-fat milk or fortifiedsoybeverage is one way to increase your daily calcium andvitamin Dintake.

How can you break the coffee addiction?

有这么多健康的消费咖啡的原因,it does not sound wise to stop coffee completely. It is anaddiction那杯乔惹事生非的人. Here, addiction means you cannot stop yourself from consuming more than four cups in a day. And when that happens, it is time to take action to break the addiction. Here is what you can do:

Go slow.

Reduce the amount of coffee you consume in a day slowly. For example, instead of eight cups, take six cups first for a few days, then gradually shift to four cups a day. Do not stop drinking coffee all at once. Abrupt cessation of coffee in habitual coffee-drinkers might cause withdrawal symptoms, such as severeheadacheand restlessness.

Choose water as a substitute.

If your hand reaches out to the fifth cup of coffee, drink water instead. Water also naturally flushes caffeine from your body and preventsdehydrationfrom coffee.

Switch to decaf.

Decaffeinated (decaf) coffee is the caffeine-free form of coffee. Try alternating betweencaffeinatedcoffee and decaf coffee throughout the day for over 2 to 3 weeks. You can then switch to decaf completely by gradually cutting caffeinated coffee. Such a stepwise reduction will help you successfully change your habit without causing withdrawal symptoms.


What percentage of the human body is water?See Answer
Caffeine: How much is too much? Available at: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/caffeine/art-20045678

Does coffee offer health benefits? Available at: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/coffee-and-health/faq-20058339

Regular coffee consumption is associated with lower body fat among US women. Available at: https://nutrition.org/coffee-consumption/

Benefits of Coffee. Available at: https://www.eatright.org/health/wellness/preventing-illness/benefits-of-coffee