What Are Signs of Anger Issues?

anger issues
Recognizing these signs of anger issues can better help you manage anger and aggressive behavior.

愤怒是一种自然,情感反应的威胁,such as frustration, hurt and annoyance. Expressing anger may help you with emotional closure and peace. However, if you get angry frequently and are not able to control your emotion, then you might have anger issues.

The signs of anger issues include:

  • Hurting others verbally or physically
  • 总觉得生气,生气或不耐烦
  • Always regretting things you said or done in anger
  • Getting angry even over small and petty things
  • Violent behavior
  • Insomnia(inability to fall or stay asleep)
  • Rage

Anger issues show adverse effects on your health, such as:

It is important not to suppress your anger because this can lead to psychological issues, such asanxietyanddepression, and wrongdoings, such as emotional and physical abuse.

What are the different types of anger?

Anger can be expressed in different ways and with different intensities.

  • Inward anger:This type of anger harms you internally and involves
    • Depressing and dark thoughts
    • Negative self-talk
    • Not doing things that make you happy
    • Sometimes not paying attention to basic needs, such as food and water
  • Outward anger:This type involves expressing anger by talking and doing harmful actions, including
    • Harming others verbally or physically
    • Breaking things
    • Attacking others
    • Shouting and cursing
  • Passive anger:This type of anger is expressed through passive-aggressive behavior, including
    • Being sarcastic
    • Degrading others
    • Giving the silent treatment
    • Sulking

How can you control anger?

Anger management involves finding the triggers that increase your anger. Besides, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), support groups and (in some cases) medication can help.

Controlling anger issues requires managing anger positively, such as expressing anger in the following ways:

  • Pause before you act.While you are angry you may say or do something that could be hurtful to others. So, take a few moments before you act.
  • Be positive.Calm down and express anger positively by conveying your concerns, fears or needs clearly in words that do not sound too negative or hurtful to someone.
  • Be physically active.Going on a walk or run can help you better manage anger since physical activity can help you calm down, keep you healthy and reduce your frustration.
  • Find out a possible solution.Remind yourself that anger won't help you to solve the problem, it will only worsen the situation. Don't focus on the triggers that make you mad instead focus on solutions.
  • Practice forgiveness.Do not hold a grudge on others since it will only give you negative feelings, which might hurt your relationship. Learn to forgive yourself and others.
  • Use humor and avoid sarcasm.Make humor a part of your life, as this is a good way to release tension. However, avoid sarcasm because it may hurt other's feelings.
  • Practice meditation.When your temper flares, try deepbreathingexercises, listen to your favorite music, practiceyogaor do the things that help you relax.

If your anger becomes too hard to control, consider seeking therapy or taking an anger management class to better release your frustrations and learn your anger triggers. Therapy is uniquely good at assessing yourmental healthand self esteem, which can better address your aggressive behavior, irritability and angry feelings.


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WebMD. Signs of Anger Issues. https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/signs-anger-issues

Mayo Clinic. Anger Management: 10 Tips to Tame Your Temper. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/anger-management/art-20045434

Cleveland Clinic. Managing Anger. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/12195-managing-anger