What Age Should You Stop Wetting the Bed?

when should you stop bedwetting
Bedwetting is common among children, although most outgrow it before age 7. Learn about what causes it, and when to call a doctor

Nocturnal enuresis(nighttimebedwettingbeyond the age of 5) is fairly common, affecting many school-age children and even some teenagers.

Ideally, a child should stop wetting the bed by ages 6-7. However, about 10% of children over the age of 7 are still learning how to control their bladder, and the problem is 2-3 times more common in boys than in girls.

For most kids, this is not a serious health issue, and they will usually outgrow it with time. But it can still be upsetting and embarrassing for both kids and their parents, and it may cause your child to avoid attending sleepovers or summer camp.

What causes bedwetting?

It’s not quite clear exactly what causesbedwetting, but some experts believe that it may occur due to developmental delays in the kidney, bladder, or brain. Factors that increase the risk of bedwetting include:

  • Genetics.If one or both parents has a history of bedwetting, their child may have the same problem.
  • Stress.During childhood, life changes such as relocation, parental separation, or loss of a parent can createstressthat leads to bedwetting.
  • Obstructivesleep apnea.Children who snore at night and get drowsy during the day may have obstructivesleep apnea(OSA). Though rare, OSA has been associated with bedwetting because it can cause a change in brain chemical balances.
  • Chronicconstipation.Since the bowel and bladder are next to each other,constipationcan cause the bowel to push on the bladder and contribute to nighttime bedwetting.
  • Urinary tract infection. In addition to bedwetting, if a child is also suffering from symptoms such aspainwhen peeing or the need to pee frequently, they may have aurinary tract infection(UTI). AUTIcan make it difficult for a child to control their bladder.
  • Hormonal problems.Some kids don't produce enough antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which helps control the amount of urine production. Low ADH levels can be a cause of bedwetting in children.
  • Attention-deficithyperactivitydisorder (ADHD).Bedwetting is common inchildren with ADHD.
  • Diabetes.Children withdiabetesmay also have trouble controlling their bladder, and other signs may include increased frequency of urination,thirst,fatigue, andweight loss.
  • Structural problems in the spinal cord.Though very rare, spinal cord problems may contribute to bedwetting.


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When to see a doctor about bedwetting

While most children will outgrow a tendency to wet the bed, persistent bedwetting may be a sign of an underlying medical condition that needs to be treated.

You should schedule an appointment with your doctor if your child:

  • Still wets the bed after age 7
  • Suddenly starts to wet the bed again after months of having been fine
  • Experiences additional signs and symptoms such as:
美国科学院Pediatrics. Bedwetting in Children & Teens: Nocturnal Enuresis. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/conditions/genitourinary-tract/Pages/Nocturnal-Enuresis-in-Teens.aspx

Mayo Clinic. Bed-wetting. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/bed-wetting/symptoms-causes/syc-20366685