Definition of Tinea unguium

Tinea unguium:The most commonfungusinfection of the nails, also calledonychomycosis.

Onychomycosis makes the nails look white and opaque, thickened, and brittle. Those at increased risk for developing onychomycosis include:

  • 的人diabetes;
  • 的人disease of the small blood vessels (peripheral vascular disease); and
  • Older women (perhaps because雌激素deficiency increases the risk of infection); and
  • 任何年龄的女性穿着的艺术ificial nails (acrylic or "wraps").

Artificial nails increase the risk for onychomycosis because, when an artificial nail is applied, the nail surface is usually abraded with an emery board damaging it, emery boards can carry infection, and water can collect under the artificial nail creating a moist, warmenvironmentfavorable for fungal growth.

An alternative name is dermatophytic onychomycosis.

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