Definition of Thrush

Thrush:Yeast infection of themouthandthroat, characterized by patches of white, caused by thefungusCandida albicans.

Yeastare part of the normal植物区系inthe mouth. They ordinarily do not cause symptoms. Certain conditions, such as抗生素use, can disturb the naturalbalanceof microorganisms in the mouth and allow theovergrowthof Candida to cause thrush.

Overgrowth of Candida albicans can also occur in thegastrointestinal tract,skin, and other areas of the body. Vaginal yeast infections, some forms of diaper rash and other skin rashes that emerge in moist, warm areas of skin are all forms ofyeast infection.

Thrush is usually aand easily addressed problem, but it can be more serious for those withimmune systemdisorders, such as AIDS. Treatment is withantifungalmedications.

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