Suprax vs. Cipro

Are Suprax and Cipro the Same Thing?

Suprax(cefixime) andCipro(ciprofloxacin) are antibiotics used to treat many different types of infections caused bybacteria.

Suprax and Cipro are different types of antibiotics. Suprax is a cephalosporinantibioticand Cipro is a quinolone antibiotic.

Side effectsof Suprax and Cipro that are similar includestomachorabdominalupset/pain,diarrhea,nausea,headache,dizziness,anxiety, or drowsiness.

Side effects of Suprax that are different from Cipro includeconstipation, loss of appetite, gas, increased nighttime urination,流鼻涕,sore throat,cough, or vaginalitchingordischarge.

What Are Possible Side Effects of Suprax?

Common side effects of Suprax include:

  • stomach upset/pain,
  • diarrhea,
  • nausea,
  • constipation,
  • loss of appetite,
  • gas,
  • headache,
  • dizziness,
  • anxiety,
  • drowsiness,
  • increased night-time urination,
  • runnynose,
  • sorethroat,
  • cough, or
  • vaginal itching or discharge.

Tell yourdoctorif you experience rare but very serious side effects of Suprax including:

  • severe stomach orabdominal pain,
  • persistent nausea or vomiting,
  • yellowing eyes orskin,
  • darkurine,
  • unusualtiredness,
  • new signs ofinfection(e.g., persistent sore throat,fever),
  • easy bruising or bleeding,
  • changeinthe amount of urine, or
  • mental/mood changes (such as confusion).

What Are Possible Side Effects of Cipro?

Common side effects of Cipro include:

  • diarrhea
  • dizziness
  • drowsiness
  • headache
  • stomach upset
  • abdominal pain
  • nausea/vomiting
  • blurred vision
  • nervousness
  • anxiety
  • agitation
  • sleepproblems (insomniaor nightmares), and
  • rash

Tell your doctor if you experience serious side effects of Cipro including severe dizziness,fainting, fast or pounding heartbeats; sudden pain, snapping or popping sound, bruising, swelling, tenderness, stiffness, or loss of movement in any of your joints; watery or bloody diarrhea; confusion, hallucinations,depression, unusual thoughts or behavior;seizure(convulsions); severe headache, ringing in your ears, pain behind your eyes; pale or yellow skin, dark colored urine, fever, weakness; urinating less than usual or not at all; easy bruising or bleeding; numbness, tingling, or unusual pain anywhere in your body; the firstsignof any skin rash, no matter how mild; or severe skin reaction -- fever, sore throat, swelling in your face ortongue, burning in your eyes, skin pain, followed by a red or purple skin rash that spreads (especially in the face or upper body) and causes blistering and peeling.

What Is Suprax?

Suprax (cefixime) forOralSuspension is a cephalosporin antibiotic used to treat many different types of infections caused by bacteria.

What Is Cipro?

Cipro (ciprofloxacin) is a quinolone antibiotic. Cipro is available as ageneric drugand is prescribed to treat infections of the skin,lungs, airways, bones, joints, andurinary tract由敏感细菌引起的感染。

What Drugs Interact With Suprax?

Other drugs may interact with Suprax. Tell your doctor allprescriptionandover-the-countermedications and supplements you use. Suprax should be used only when prescribed duringpregnancy. This drug passes intobreast milk. While there have been no reports of harm tonursinginfants, consult your doctor beforebreastfeeding.

What Drugs Interact With Cipro?

Cipro may interact withsucralfate,antacids(containingcalcium,magnesium, oraluminum), didanosine, lanthanum carbonate or sevelamer, vitamin or mineral supplements (that contain calcium,iron, magnesium, orzinc),cyclosporine,methotrexate,metoclopramide,苯妥英, probenecid, ropinirole,sildenafil,theophylline,bloodthinners,diuretics(waterpills),heartrhythm medications,insulinor oraldiabetesmedicines, medicines to treat depression or mental illness, steroids, or nonsteroidalanti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Cipro may also interact withtizanidine,clozapine, cyclosporine,glyburide, methotrexate, metoclopramide, phenytoin, probenecid, ropinirole, theophylline, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or steroids.

How Should Suprax Be Taken?

The recommended dosage of Suprax is 70mgonce monthly; some patients may benefit from a dosage of 140 mg once monthly, which is administered as two consecutivesubcutaneousinjections of 70 mg each.

How Should Cipro Be Taken?

  • Take Cipro exactly as your healthcare provider tells you to take it.
  • Your healthcare provider will tell you how much Cipro to take and when to take it.
  • Take Cipro Tablets in the morning and evening at about the same time each day. Swallow thetabletwhole. Do not split, crush or chew the tablet. Tell your healthcare provider if you cannot swallow the tablet whole.
  • Take Cipro Oral Suspension in the morning and evening at about the same time each day. Shake the Cipro Oral Suspension bottle well each time before use for about 15 seconds to make sure the suspension is mixed well. Close the bottle completely after use.
  • TakeCipro XRone time each day at about the same time each day. Swallow the tablet whole. Do not split, crush or chew the tablet. Tell your healthcare provider if you cannot swallow the tablet whole.
  • Cipro IVis given to you byintravenous(IV) infusion into yourvein, slowly, over 60 minutes, as prescribed by your healthcare provider.
  • Cipro can be taken with or withoutfood.
  • Cipro should not be taken with dairy products (like milk oryogurt) or calcium-fortified juices alone, but may be taken with a meal that contains these products.
  • Drink plenty of fluids while taking Cipro.
  • 不要跳过任何剂量的环丙沙星或停止服用它,even if you begin to feel better, until you finish your prescribed treatment unless:
    • you havetendonproblems. See“What is the most important information I should know about Cipro?”
    • you havenerveproblems. See“What is the most important information I should know about Cipro?”
    • you havecentral nervous systemproblems. See“What is the most important information I should know about Cipro?”
    • you have a seriousallergic reaction. See“What are the possible side effects of Cipro?”
    • your healthcare provider tells you to stop taking Cipro
  • Taking all of your Cipro doses will help make sure that all of the bacteria are killed. Taking all of your Cipro doses will help lower the chance that the bacteria will become resistant to Cipro. If you become resistant to Cipro, Cipro and otherantibacterialmedicines may not work for you in the future.

  • If you take too much Cipro, call your healthcare provider or get medical help right away.

All drug information provided on is sourced directly from drug monographs published by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Any drug information published on regarding general drug information, drug side effects, drug usage, dosage, and more are sourced from the original drug documentation found in its FDA drug monograph.

Drug information found in the drug comparisons published on is primarily sourced from the FDA drug information. The drug comparison information found in this article does not contain any data from clinical trials with human participants or animals performed by any of the drug manufacturers comparing the drugs.

The drug comparisons information provided does not cover every potential use, warning, drug interaction, side effect, or adverse or allergic reaction. assumes no responsibility for any healthcare administered to a person based on the information found on this site.

As drug information can and will change at any time, makes every effort to update its drug information. Due to the time-sensitive nature of drug information, makes no guarantees that the information provided is the most current.

Any missing drug warnings or information does not in any way guarantee the safety, effectiveness, or the lack of adverse effects of any drug. The drug information provided is intended for reference only and should not be used as a substitute for medical advice.

If you have specific questions regarding a drug’s safety, side effects, usage, warnings, etc., you should contact your doctor or pharmacist, or refer to the individual drug monograph details found on the or websites for more information.

You may also report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA by visiting the FDA MedWatch website or calling 1-800-FDA-1088.


Lupin Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Suprax Product Information.

DailyMed. Cipro Product Information.

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