Definition of Stevens-Johnson syndrome

Stevens-Johnson syndrome:A serioussystemic(body-wide)allergic reactionwith a characteristic rash involving theskinandmucousmembranes, including thebuccal mucosa(inside of themouth),conjunctiva, andgenitalareas. AbbreviatedSJS. Thediseaseis due to a hypersensitive (allergic) reaction to one of a number of immunologic stimuli including drugs and infectious agents. Complications can include hepatitis,nephritis,gastrointestinalbleeding, pneumonia, arthritis, arthralgia, fever, and肌痛. Thediagnosissj通常的特点stic rash appears 1 to 3 weeks after exposure to a known stimulus and it cannot be explained by another diagnosis. The treatment depends,inpart, on the suspected precipitating cause. Also known aserythema multiformemajor.

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