Definition of Statins

Statins:A class of drugs that lower cholesterol.

The statin drugs on the marketinthe US include:

ThestatinslowerLDL-cholesterol levels, and they lower LDL-cholesterol more than other types of drugs. Statins inhibit anenzymecalled HMG-CoA reductase that controls the rate of cholesterol production in the body. These drugs lower cholesterol by slowing down the production of cholesterol and by increasing the liver's ability to remove the LDL-cholesterol already in theblood.

The large reductions in total and LDL-cholesterol produced by these drugs in research studies resulted in large reductions in heart attacks and heart disease deaths. Thanks to their track record in these studies and their ability to lower LDL-cholesterol, statins have become the drugs most often prescribed when a person withheart diseaseneeds a cholesterol- lowering medicine.

Studies using statins have reported 20 to 60% lower LDL-cholesterol levels in patients on these drugs. Statins also produce a modest increase inHDL- cholesterol and reduce elevated triglyceride levels.

The statins are usually given in a single dose at the evening meal or at bedtime. It is important that these medications be given in the evening to take advantage of the fact that the body makes more cholesterol at night than during the day.

Results from the statins start to be seen after several weeks, with a maximum effect in 4 to 6 weeks. The statins are generally well tolerated by most patients, and seriousside effectsare rare. A few patients will experience an upset stomach, gas, constipation, and abdominal pain or cramps. These symptoms usually are mild to moderate in severity and generally go away as your body adjusts. Rarely apatient将开发异常血液测试吗of the liver. Also rare is the side effect ofmuscleproblems. The symptoms are muscle soreness, pain, and weakness.

Statins may also strengthenbonetissue. Thus, people over 50 taking statins (to lower cholesterol) had fewer hip fractures, as was reported in theJournal of the American Medical Association(JAMA) in 2000.

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