Definition of Sensorium

Sensorium:The totality of those parts of thebrainthat receive,processand interpretsensorystimuli. Thesensoriumis the supposed seat ofsensation, the place to which impressions from the external world are conveyed and perceived.

The sensorium also refers to the entire sensory apparatus of the body.

Inmedicine, "sensorium" is sometimes used as agenericterm for the intellectual andcognitive功能。例如:“一个77岁的女人cirrhosis was admitted (to thehospital) with a one-week history of altered sensorium." (New Engl J Med343: 1933, 2000)

The term "sensorium" comes (as does the word "sensation") from the Latinsensus, "the faculty of perceiving." The plural of "sensorium" is rarely used but in case of need you can choose between "sensoriums" and "sensoria."

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