Definition of Sense

Sense:Inbiology and medicine, the faculty ofsensoryreception. The ability to convey specific types of external or internal stimuli to thebrainand perceive them. Sensory reception occurs through aprocessknown as transduction in which stimuli are converted intonerveimpulses which are relayed to the brain.

This process may involve the special senses -- hearing, sight,smell,taste, and touch -- in which the corresponding sensory receptors are concentrated in theear,eye,olfactory(smell) apparatus, taste buds, andskin.

皮肤有丰富的感官受体表达the sensations not only of touch but also of heat and cold, pressure, and pain. Other sensory receptors are situated in internal organs such as thethroat,stomachand heart.

There are also other senses such as thesenseof equilibrium (which is related to the flow of endolymph, a fluid found in theinner ear) and the sense of position (proprioception).

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