Definition of Pyelonephritis

Pyelonephritis:Bacterialinfection的肾脏。Pyelonephritis can beacuteorchronic, and it is most often due to the ascent of细菌from thebladderup the ureters to infect the kidneys. Symptoms includeflank(side) pain, fever, shakingchills, sometimes foul-smellingurine, frequent and urgent need to urinate, and generalmalaise. Tenderness is elicited by gently tapping over thekidney用拳头(打击乐器)。Diagnosisis made via urinalysis, which reveals whitebloodcells and bacteriainthe urine. Usually there is also an increase in circulating white cells in the blood. Treatment involves use of appropriate antibiotics. Often called simplypyelo.

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