Definition of Nosebleed

Nosebleed:Bleeding from thebloodvessels of thenose. The nose is richinblood vessels and is situated in a vulnerable position on the face. As a result, anytraumato the face can cause bleeding, which may be profuse. Nosebleeds can also occur spontaneously when thenasalmembranes dry out, crust, and crack, as is common in dry climates or during winter months, when the air is dry and warm from household heaters. People have increased susceptibility to nosebleeds if they are taking medications that prevent normal blood clotting, such aswarfarin(brand name:Coumadin),aspirin, or anyinflammatorymedication. Other predisposing factors includeinfection, trauma, allergic and nonallergic rhinitis, hypertension, alcohol abuse, and inherited bleeding problems. Also known asepistaxis.

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