Definition of Esophagus

Esophagus:Thetubethat connects thepharynx(throat) with thestomach。The esophagus lies between thetrachea(windpipe) and thespine。It passes down theneck, pierces the diaphragm just to the left of the midline, and joins thecardiac(upper) end of the stomach.Inan adult, the esophagus is about 25 centimeters (10 inches) long. When a person swallows, the肌肉发达的walls of the esophagus contract to pushfooddown into the stomach. Glands in the lining of the esophagus producemucus, which keeps the passageway moist and facilitates swallowing. Also known as thegulletorswallowing tube。从希腊oisophagos oiseinmeaning to bear or carry + phagein, to eat.

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