Definition of Epinephrine

肾上腺素:Also known asadrenaline. Asubstanceproduced by the髓质inside of theadrenal gland. The nameepinephrinewas coinedin1898 by the Americanpharmacologistandphysiologicbiochemist John Jacob Abel who isolated it from the adrenalglandwhich is located above (epi-) thekidney"nephros" in Greek). (Abel is also crystallizedinsulin.) Technically speaking, epinephrine is a sympathomimeticcatecholamine. It causesquickeningof the heart beat, strengthens the force of the heart'scontraction, opens up the airways (bronchioles) in thelungs, and has numerous other effects. The secretion of epinephrine by the adrenal gland is part of the fight-or-flight reaction. Adrenaline is a synonym of epinephrine and is the official name in the British药典.

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