Definition of Cystic fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis:A common grave genetic disease that affects theexocrineglands and is characterized by the production ofabnormalsecretions, leading tomucusbuildup that impairs thepancreasand, secondarily, theintestine. Mucus buildupinlungscan impair respiration. AbbreviatedCF. Without treatment, CF results indeathfor 95 percent of affected children before age 5; however, a few long-lived CF patients have survived past age 60. Earlydiagnosisis of great importance. Treatment includesphysical therapyto loosen the mucus in the lungs and use ofpancreaticenzymesand medications to fight dangerous infections of the lungs. One in 400 couples is at risk for having children with CF. CF is arecessivetrait, so the chance of an at-risk couple having a child with CF is 25 percent with each pregnancy. CF is caused by mutations in theCFTR(cystic fibrosis conductance regulator)gene, which is located onchromosome7.

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