Definition of Central nervous system (CNS)

Central nervous system (CNS):Thecentral nervous systemis that part of the nervous system that consists of thebrainandspinal cord.

Thecentralnervous system (CNS) is one of the twomajordivisions of the nervous system. The other is theperipheral nervous system(PNS) which is outside the brain and spinalcord.

Theperipheralnervous system (PNS) connects the central nervous system (CNS) tosensoryorgans (such as theeyeandear),另外er organs of the body, muscles,bloodvessels and glands. The peripheral nerves include the 12cranial nerves, the spinal nerves and roots, and what are called the autonomic nerves that are concerned specifically with the regulation of the heartmuscle, the musclesinbloodvesselwalls, and glands.

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