Definition of Renal transplant

Renal transplant:Also called a kidney transplant. Replacement of a diseased, damaged, or missingkidneywith adonorkidney.

Patients with end-stagerenal failure are candidates for transplantation. A successfultransplantfrees thepatientfrom dialysis and provides the kidney's othermetabolicfunctions.

The survival rate a year after a transplant from a living related donor is over 95%. The survival rate a year after a transplant from acadaveris about 90%. The principal problemsinkidney transplantation involve avoidingrejectionof the transplanted kidney by therecipient'simmune system.

The first kidney transplant was done in Boston by外科医生Joseph E. Murray in 1954. (This was the first successful humanorgantransplant.) Murray removed a kidney from Ronald Herrick and transplanted it tohisidenticaltwin, Richard Herrick (and thereby skirted the immunologic problems). In 1990, Murray shared the Nobel Prize inPhysiologyor Medicine with E. Donnall Thomas "for their discoveries concerning organ andcelltransplantation in the treatment of humandisease."

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