Definition of Pulmonary fibrosis

Pulmonary fibrosis:Scarring throughout thelungsthat can be caused by many conditions, such as sarcoidosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis,asbestosis, and certain medications.Pulmonaryfibrosis can also occur without an identifiable cause,inwhich case it is referred to asidiopathic pulmonary fibrosis。Symptoms includeshortness of breath, coughing, and diminished exercisetolerance。Treatment involves use of corticosteroids (such asprednisone) and/or other medications that suppress the body'simmune system。治疗的目的是减少nginflammationand subsequent scarring. Responses to treatment vary.Toxicityandside effectsof treatment can be serious. Therefore, patients with pulmonary fibrosis are generally cared for by lung specialists.

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