Definition of Prosthetic

Prosthetic:Referring to aprosthesis, an artificial substitute or replacement of a part of the body such as atooth,eye, a facialbone,palate, a hip, akneeor anotherjoint,leg, anarm, etc. A prosthesis is designed for functional or cosmetic reasons or both. Typicalprosthesesfor joints are the hip, knee,,ankle, and finger joints.Prostheticimplants can be parts of the joint such as aunilateralknee. Joint replacement and arthroplasty mean the same thing.

A prosthesis may be removable, asinthe case of most prosthetic legs or a prostheticbreastform used aftermastectomy. A person who uses a removable prosthesis, for example, an artificial hand, may want to have more than one available for different types of tasks. Other types of prosthetic devices are permanently implanted, like an artificial hip, testicle or tooth.

With advances in the biomedical sciences, a few experimental prostheses have been integrated with body tissues, including the nervous system. These highly advanced devices can respond to commands from thecentral nervous system,更紧密地近似正常的密苏里州vement andutility.

Anauditory prosthesisis a device that substitutes for or enhances the ability to hear. It is more commonly called a hearing aide.

The word "prosthesis" comes via New Latin from the Greek "prostithenai" meaning "to add to, or to put in addition." The plural of prosthesis is prostheses.

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