Definition of Postural hypotension

Postural hypotension:A dropinblood pressure(hypotension) due to a change in body position (posture) when a person moves to a moreverticalposition: from sitting to standing or from lying down to sitting or standing.Posturalhypotensionis more common in older people.

The change in position causes a temporary reduction inbloodflow and therefore a shortage ofoxygento thebrain. This leads to lightheadedness and, sometimes, a "black out" episode, a loss of consciousness.

Tilt-tabletesting can be used to confirm posturalhypotension. Tilt-table testing involves placing thepatienton a table with afoot支援。表是倾斜向上和血压ssure andpulseis measured while symptoms are recorded in various positions.

No treatment is needed for postural hypotension. If someone with postural hypotension faints, they will regain consciousness by simply sitting or lying down.

The person is thereafter advised to exercise caution and slow theprocessof changing positions from lying to sitting to standing. This simple technique can allow the body to adjust to the new position and permit the nerves tocirculationof the legs to adjust slower in older person.

Postural hypotension is also called orthostatic hypotension.

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