Definition of Polycythemia vera (PV)

Polycythemia vera (PV):Overproduction (proliferation) of红细胞due tobone marrowdisease (myeloproferative disorder).Polycythemia veratends to evolve into acute白血病or a condition with the marrow replaced by scar tissue (myelofibrosis).

To havePolycythemiavera, there must be polycythemia which formally exists when thehemoglobin, red blood cell (RBC) count, and total RBC volume are all above normal. For example, thehematocrit(the percentage of red blood cells in whole blood),normal rangeis from about 42 to about 52% in adult males and from about 37 to about 48% in adult females. The hematocrit in polycythemia is significantly above 52% in men and above 48% in females. In 40 to 60% of cases there are elevations of white blood count andplatelet count. B12 level is usually elevated as well.

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