Definition of Pneumonic plague

Pneumonic plague:Infectionof thelungsby Yersinapestis,bacterialagent that causes the plague, adiseaseof animals (rodents and their fleas) and humans.

The first signs of the pneumonicplagueare fever, headache, weakness, and cough productive of bloody or waterysputum. The pneumonia progresses over 2 to 4 days and may causesepticshock and, without early treatment,death.

Person-to-person transmission of pneumonic plague occurs throughrespiratorydroplets, which can only infect those who have face-to-face contact with the person who is ill.

Early treatment of pneumonic plague isessential. Several antibiotics are effective, includingstreptomycin,tetracycline, andchloramphenicol.

There is no vaccine against plague butprophylacticantibiotictreatment for 7 days will protect persons who have had face-to-face contact with infected patients.

The疾病预防控制中心(疾病Controland Prevention) has classified Yersina pestis as a high-priority (Category A) bioterrorism agent.

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