Omnicef vs. Augmentin

Are Omnicef and Augmentinthe Same Thing?

Omnicef(cefdinir) andAugmentin(amoxicillin/clavulanate) are antibiotics used to treat many different types of infections caused bybacteria.

Omnicef and Augmentin are different types of antibiotics. Omnicef is a cephalosporinantibioticand Augmentin is a combination of apenicillin-type antibiotic and a beta-lactamase inhibitor.

The brand name Omnicef is discontinuedinthe U.S.Genericversions of cefdinir are available.

What Are Possible Side Effects of Omnicef?

Commonside effects的Omnicefinclude:

Tell yourdoctorif you experience serious side effects of Omnicef including watery or bloody diarrhea,chest pain,fever,chills, body aches,flusymptoms, unusual bleeding, seizures (convulsions), pale or yellowed skin, dark coloredurine, fever, confusion or weakness,jaundice(yellowing of the skin or eyes); fever,sore throat, and headache with a severe blistering, peeling, and red skin rash; increased thirst, loss of appetite, swelling, weight gain, feeling short of breath, or urinating less than usual or not at all.

What Are Possible Side Effects of Augmentin?

Common side effects of Augmentin include:

Rare and severe side effects of Augmentin can include:

  • watery or bloody diarrhea;
  • pale or yellowed skin, dark colored urine, fever, confusion or weakness;
  • easy bruising or bleeding;
  • skin rash, bruising, severe tingling, numbness, pain,muscleweakness;
  • agitation, confusion, unusual thoughts or behavior, seizures (convulsions);
  • nausea, upper stomach pain, itching, loss of appetite, clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes); or
  • severe skin reaction -- fever,sorethroat, swelling in your face ortongue, burning in your eyes, skin pain, followed by a red or purple skin rash that spreads (especially in the face or upper body) and causes blistering and peeling.

What is Omnicef?

Omnicef (cefdinir) is a cephalosporin antibiotic used to treat many different types of infections caused by bacteria. The brand name Omnicef is discontinued in the U.S. Omnicef is available in generic form.

What is Augmentin?

Augmentin (amoxicillin/clavulanate) is a combination antibiotic used to treatbacterialinfections includingsinusitis,pneumonia,earinfections,bronchitis,urinary tractinfections, and infections of the skin.

It is not known if Augmentin is safe and effective in children.

What Drugs Interact With Omnicef?

Omnicef may interact withbloodthinners, antibiotics,antidepressants, anti-malariamedications, medicine to prevent or treat nausea and vomiting, medicines to treatpsychiatricdisorders,migraine headachemedicines, nonsteroidalanti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), steroids, or narcotics.

What Drugs Interact With Augmentin?

Augmentin may interact with probenecid.

Augmentin may also interact withallopurinol, blood thinners, or other antibiotics.

How Should Omnicef Be Taken?

The recommended dose of Omnicef is 150mgevery 13 weeks administered bydeepintramuscular(IM) injection in theglutealordeltoidmuscle. Omnicef should not be used as a long-term birthcontrolmethod (longer than 2 years).

How Should AugmentinBe Taken?

For Adults:

  • The usual adult dose is one 500-mgtabletof Augmentin every 12 hours or one 250-mg tablet of Augmentin every 8 hours. For more severe infections and infections of therespiratorytract, the dose should be one 875-mg tablet of Augmentin every 12 hours or one 500-mg tablet of Augmentin every 8 hours. Adults who have difficulty swallowing may be given the 125 mg/5 mL or 250 mg/5 mL suspension in place of the 500-mg tablet. The 200 mg/5 mL suspension or the 400 mg/5 mL suspension may be used in place of the 875-mg tablet.
  • Two 250-mg tablets of Augmentin should not be substituted for one 500-mg tablet of Augmentin. Since both the 250-mg and 500-mg tablets of Augmentin contain the same amount of clavulanic acid (125 mg, as thepotassiumsalt), two 250-mg tablets are not equivalent to one 500-mg tablet of Augmentin.
  • The 250-mg tablet of Augmentin and the 250-mg chewable tablet should not be substituted for each other, as they are not interchangeable. The 250-mg tablet of Augmentin and the 250-mg chewable tablet do not contain the same amount of clavulanic acid (as the potassium salt). The 250-mg tablet of Augmentin contains 125 mg of clavulanic acid, whereas the 250-mg chewable tablet contains 62.5 mg of clavulanic acid.


Based on the amoxicillin component, Augmentin should be dosed as follows:

Neonates And Infants Aged under 12 Weeks (under 3 Months)

  • The recommended dose of Augmentin is 30 mg/kg/day divided every 12 hours, based on the amoxicillin component. Experience with the 200 mg/5 mL formulation in this age group is limited, and thus, use of the 125 mg/5 mLoralsuspension is recommended.

Patients Aged 12 Weeks (3 Months) And Older

  • The every 12 hourregimenis recommended as it is associated with significantly less diarrhea. However, the every 12 hour suspension (200 mg/5 mL and 400 mg/5 mL) and chewable tablets (200 mg and 400 mg) containaspartameand should not be used by phenylketonurics.

All drug information provided on is sourced directly from drug monographs published by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Any drug information published on regarding general drug information, drug side effects, drug usage, dosage, and more are sourced from the original drug documentation found in its FDA drug monograph.

Drug information found in the drug comparisons published on is primarily sourced from the FDA drug information. The drug comparison information found in this article does not contain any data from clinical trials with human participants or animals performed by any of the drug manufacturers comparing the drugs.

The drug comparisons information provided does not cover every potential use, warning, drug interaction, side effect, or adverse or allergic reaction. assumes no responsibility for any healthcare administered to a person based on the information found on this site.

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Any missing drug warnings or information does not in any way guarantee the safety, effectiveness, or the lack of adverse effects of any drug. The drug information provided is intended for reference only and should not be used as a substitute for medical advice.

If you have specific questions regarding a drug’s safety, side effects, usage, warnings, etc., you should contact your doctor or pharmacist, or refer to the individual drug monograph details found on the or websites for more information.

You may also report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA by visiting the FDA MedWatch website or calling 1-800-FDA-1088.


DailyMed。Cefdinir Product Monograph.


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