Definition of NSAID

NSAID:Nonsteroidal炎症药物,medicationthat is commonly prescribed or purchased over the counter to treat theinflammationassociated with conditions such as arthritis, tendonitis, and bursitis. Examples ofNSAIDsincludeaspirin, indomethacin (brand name:Indocin),ibuprofen(brand name:Motrin),naproxen(brand name:Naprosyn),吡罗昔康(brand name:Feldene), andnabumetone(brand name:Relafen). People who take certain NSAIDs may have a higher risk of having a heart attack or a stroke than people who do not take these medications. This risk may be higher for people who take NSAIDs for a long time. Othermajorside effectsof NSAIDs aregastrointestinalproblems. Some 10 to 50 percent of patients are unable to tolerateNSAIDtreatment because of these side effects, which include abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating, heartburn, and upset stomach.

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