
Last updated on RxList:5/6/2021


What Is Norgesic?

Norgesic (orphenadrine citrate,aspirinandcaffeine) is a combination of amuscle relaxant, a pain reliever, and caffeine which increases the pain relieving effects of the other drugs, used, along with rest andphysical therapy, to treat injuries and other painfulmuscularconditions. Norgesic is available ingenericform.


Common side effects of Norgesic include dizziness, drowsiness, lightheadedness, blurred vision or large pupils, weakness, headache, stomach upset,heartburn, nausea, vomiting, constipation,dry mouth,tremor, difficulty urinating or increased urination,hiccups, trouble sleeping, orringing in the ears.

Dosage for Norgesic

The adult dose of Norgesic is 1 to 2 tablets, 3 to 4 times daily. The adult dose of Norgesic Forte is ½ to 1 tablet 3 to 4 times daily.

What Drugs, Substances, or Supplements Interact with Norgesic?

Norgesic may interact withantidepressants, alcohol,antihistamines, sedatives, other pain relievers, anxiety medicines, muscle relaxants, anticoagulants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), or other salicylates. Tell your doctor all medications you use.

Norgesic During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

During pregnancy, Norgesic should be used only when prescribed. Aspirin is not recommended for use during pregnancy. This medication passes into breast milk and may harm a nursing infant. Breastfeeding while using this drug is not recommended.

Additional Information

Our Norgesic (orphenadrine citrate, aspirin and caffeine) Side Effects Drug Center provides a comprehensive view of available drug information on the potential side effects when taking this medication.

Drug Description


No information provided.

Indications & Dosage


Norgesic (25 mg/385 mg/30 mg) and Norgesic Forte (50 mg/770 mg/60 mg) Tablets are indicated in:

  1. Symptomatic relief of mild to moderate pain of acute musculoskeletal disorders.
  2. The orphenadrine component is indicated as an adjunct to rest,physical therapy, and other measures for the relief of discomfort associated with acute painful musculoskeletal conditions.

The mode of action of orphenadrine has not been clearly identified, but may be related to itsanalgesicproperties. Norgesic and Norgesic Forte Tablets do not directly relax tense skeletal muscles in man.


Norgesic Tablets: Adults 1 or 2 tablets 3 to 4 times daily.

Norgesic Forte Tablets: Adults ½ to 1 tablet 3 to 4 times daily.


Norgesic Tablets(Orphenadrine Citrate 25mg, Aspirin 385mg, andCaffeine30mg) Three-layered, light green, white, and yellow, imprinted “RIKER” on one side and “NORGESIC” on the other are available in bottles of 100 tablets (NDC0089-0231-10) and 500 tablets (NDC0089-0231-50).

Norgesic Forte Tablets(Orphenadrine Citrate 50mg, Aspirin 770mg, and Caffeine 60mg) Two-layered, white/green capsule shaped, bisected tablets debossed “GA” and “473” with bisect on the white side and plain on the green side are available in bottles of 60 tablets (NDC50991-99960).

Store below 30°C (86°F).


Store at 20°-25°C (68°-77°F) (seeUSP Controlled Room Temperature).

Protect from moisture.

Manufactured for: Bausch Health US, LLC Bridgewater, NJ 08807 USA. Revised: Apr 2021

Side Effects & Drug Interactions


Side effects of Norgesic and Norgesic Forte Tablets are those seen with aspirin and caffeine or those usually associated with mildanticholinergicagents. These may includetachycardia, palpitation, urinary hesitancy or retention,dry mouth, blurred vision,dilationof thepupil, increasedintraocular tension, weakness, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, constipation, drowsiness, and rarely,urticariaand other dermatoses. Infrequently, an elderly patient may experience some degree of confusion. Mild central excitation and occasional hallucinations may be observed. These mild side effects can usually be eliminated by reduction in dosage. One case ofaplastic anemiaassociated with the use of Orphenadrine Citrate, Aspirin, and Caffeine Tablets has been reported. No causal relationship has been established. Rare G.I.hemorrhagedue to aspirin content may be associated with the administration of Norgesic and Norgesic Forte Tablets. Some patients may experience transient episodes oflightheadedness, dizziness orsyncope.


No Information provided



Reye's Syndrome may develop in individuals who havechicken pox,influenza, or flu symptoms. Some studies suggest possible association between the development of Reye's Syndrome and the use of medicines containing salicylate or aspirin. Norgesic (25mg/385mg/30mg) and Norgesic Forte Tablets (50mg/770mg/60mg) contain aspirin and therefore are not recommended for use in patients with chicken pox, influenza, or flu symptoms.

Norgesic and Norgesic Forte Tablets may impair the ability of the patient to engage in potentially hazardous activities such as operating machinery or driving a motor vehicle; ambulatory patients should therefore be cautioned accordingly.

Aspirin should be used with extreme caution in the presence of peptic ulcers andcoagulationabnormalities.


The safe and effective use of this drug in children has not been established. Usage of this drug in children under 12 years of age is not recommended.

Fetal Toxicity

Premature Closure Of Fetal Ductus Arteriosus

Avoid use of NSAIDs, including Norgesic and Norgesic Forte, in pregnant women at about 30 weeks gestation and later. NSAIDs including Norgesic and Norgesic Forte, increase the risk of premature closure of the fetalductus arteriosus大约在这胎龄。

Oligohydramnios/Neonatal Renal Impairment

Use of NSAIDs, including Norgesic and Norgesic Forte, at about 20 weeks gestation or later in pregnancy may cause fetal renal dysfunction leading tooligohydramniosand, in some cases,neonatalrenal impairment. These adverse outcomes are seen, on average, after days to weeks of treatment, although oligohydramnios has been infrequently reported as soon as 48 hours afterNSAIDinitiation.

Oligohydramnios is often, but not always, reversible with treatment discontinuation. Complications of prolonged oligohydramnios may, for example, include limb contractures and delayed lung maturation. In some postmarketing cases of impaired neonatal renal function, invasive procedures such as exchangetransfusionordialysiswere required.

If NSAID treatment is necessary between about 20 weeks and 30 weeks gestation, limit Norgesic and Norgesic Forte use to the lowesteffective doseand shortest duration possible. Consider ultrasound monitoring ofamniotic fluidif Norgesic or Norgesic Forte treatment extends beyond 48 hours. Discontinue Norgesic or Norgesic Forte if oligohydramnios occurs and follow up according to clinical practice [seePRECAUTIONS,Pregnancy].

Drug Reaction With Eosinophilia And Systemic Symptoms (DRESS)

Drug Reaction withEosinophiliaand Systemic Symptoms (DRESS) has been reported in patients taking NSAIDs such as Norgesic and Norgesic Forte. Some of these events have been fatal or life-threatening. DRESS typically, although not exclusively, presents with fever, rash,lymphadenopathy, and/or facial swelling.

Other clinical manifestations may includehepatitis,nephritis, hematological abnormalities,myocarditis, ormyositis. Sometimes symptoms of DRESS may resemble an acuteviral infection. Eosinophilia is often present. Because this disorder is variable in its presentation, other organ systems not noted here may be involved. It is important to note that early manifestations of hypersensitivity, such as fever or lymphadenopathy, may be present even though rash is not evident. If such signs or symptoms are present, discontinue Norgesic or Norgesic Forte and evaluate the patient immediately.



Confusion, anxiety and tremors have been reported in a few patients receiving propoxyphene and orphenadrine concomitantly. As these symptoms may be simply due to an additive effect, reduction of dosage and/or discontinuation of one or both agents is recommended in such cases.

Safety of continuous long-term therapy with Norgesic and Norgesic Forte Tablets has not been established; therefore, if Norgesic and Norgesic Forte Tablets are prescribed for prolonged use, periodic monitoring of blood, urine and liver function values is recommended.


Risk Summary

Use of NSAIDs, including aspirin, can cause premature closure of the fetalductusarteriosus和胎儿肾脏功能障碍导致oligohydramnios and, in some cases, neonatal renal impairment. Because of these risks, limit dose and duration of Norgesic and Norgesic Forte use between about 20 and 30 weeks of gestation, and avoid Norgesic and Norgesic Forte use at about 30 weeks of gestation and later in pregnancy [see警告;Fetal Toxicity].

Premature Closure Of Fetal Ductus Arteriosus

Use of NSAIDs, including aspirin, at about 30 weeks gestation or later in pregnancy increases the risk of premature closure of the fetal ductus arteriosus.

Oligohydramnios/Neonatal Renal Impairment

Use of NSAIDs at about 20 weeks gestation or later in pregnancy has been associated with cases of fetal renal dysfunction leading to oligohydramnios, and in some cases, neonatal renal impairment.

Data from observational studies regarding other potential embryofetal risks of NSAID use in women in the first or second trimesters of pregnancy are inconclusive. In the general U.S. population, all clinically recognized pregnancies, regardless of drug exposure, have a background rate of 2-4% for major malformations, and 15-20% for pregnancy loss.

Based on animal data, prostaglandins have been shown to have an important role in endometrialvascularpermeability,blastocystimplantation, and decidualization. In animal studies, administration ofprostaglandinsynthesis inhibitors such as aspirin, resulted in increased pre-and post-implantation loss. Prostaglandins also have been shown to have an important role in fetal kidney development. In published animal studies, prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors have been reported to impair kidney development when administered at clinically relevant doses.

Clinical Considerations

Fetal/Neonatal Adverse Reactions

Premature Closure of Fetal Ductus Arteriosus

Avoid use of NSAIDs in women at about 30 weeks gestation and later in pregnancy, because NSAIDs, including Norgesic and Norgesic Forte, can cause premature closure of the fetal ductus arteriosus [see警告;Fetal Toxicity].

Oligohydramnios/Neonatal Renal Impairment

If an NSAID is necessary at about 20 weeks gestation or later in pregnancy, limit the use to the lowest effective dose and shortest duration possible. If Norgesic or Norgesic Forte treatment extends beyond 48 hours, consider monitoring with ultrasound for oligohydramnios. If oligohydramnios occurs, discontinue Norgesic or Norgesic Forte and follow up according to clinical practice [see警告;Fetal Toxicity].


Human Data

Premature Closure Of Fetal Ductus Arteriosus

Published literature reports that the use of NSAIDs at about 30 weeks of gestation and later in pregnancy may cause premature closure of the fetal ductus arteriosus.

Oligohydramnios/Neonatal Renal Impairment

Published studies and postmarketing reports describe maternal NSAID use at about 20 weeks gestation or later in pregnancy associated with fetal renal dysfunction leading to oligohydramnios, and in some cases, neonatal renal impairment. These adverse outcomes are seen, on average, after days to weeks of treatment, although oligohydramnios has been infrequently reported as soon as 48 hours after NSAID initiation. In many cases, but not all, the decrease in amniotic fluid was transient and reversible with cessation of the drug. There have been a limited number of case reports of maternal NSAID use and neonatal renal dysfunction without oligohydramnios, some of which were irreversible. Some cases of neonatal renal dysfunction required treatment with invasive procedures, such as exchange transfusion or dialysis.

Methodological limitations of these postmarketing studies and reports include lack of a control group; limited information regarding dose, duration, and timing of drug exposure; and concomitant use of other medications. These limitations preclude establishing a reliable estimate of the risk of adverse fetal and neonatal outcomes with maternal NSAID use. Because the published safety data on neonatal outcomes involved mostly preterm infants, the generalizability of certain reported risks to the full-term infant exposed to NSAIDs through maternal use is uncertain.

Overdose & Contraindications


No Information provided


Because of the mild anti-cholinergic effect of orphenadrine, Norgesic and Norgesic Forte Tablets should not be used in patients withglaucoma, pyloric orduodenalobstruction,achalasia、前列腺hypertrophy, or obstructions at thebladderneck. Norgesic and Norgesic Forte Tablets are also contraindicated in patients withmyasthenia gravisand in patients known to be sensitive to aspirin or caffeine.

的博士ug is contraindicated in patients who have demonstrated a previous hypersensitivity to the drug.

Clinical Pharmacology


Orphenadrine citrate is a centrally acting (brain stem) compound which in animals selectively blocks facilitatory functions of the reticular formulation. Orphenadrine does not produce myoneural block, nor does it affect crossed extensor reflexes. Orphenadrine preventsnicotine-induced convulsions but not those produced by strychnine.

Chronic administration of Orphenadrine Citrate, Aspirin, and Caffeine to dogs and rats has revealed no drug-related toxicity. No blood or urine changes were observed, nor were there anymacroscopicormicroscopicpathological changes detected. Extensive experience with combinations containing aspirin and caffeine has established them as safe agents. The addition of orphenadrine citrate does not alter the toxicity of aspirin and caffeine.

The mode of therapeutic action of orphenadrine has not been clearly identified, but may be related to its analgesic properties. Orphenadrine citrate also possesses anticholinergic actions.

Medication Guide



Embryo-Fetal Toxicity

Inform pregnant women to avoid use of aspirin and other NSAIDs starting at 30 weeks gestation because of the risk of the premature closing of the fetal ductus arteriosus. If treatment with Norgesic or Norgesic Forte is needed for a pregnant woman between about 20 to 30 weeks gestation, advise her that she may need to be monitored for oligohydramnios, if treatment continues for longer than 48 hours [see警告,Fetal Toxicity;PRECAUTIONS,Pregnancy].

Serious Skin Reactions, Including DRESS

Advise patients to stop taking Norgesic or Norgesic Forte immediately if they develop any type of rash or fever and to contact their healthcare provider as soon as possible [see警告].

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