
Myxedema coma:A rare and life-threateningcomplicationofhypothyroidism(low levels of甲状腺激素sin the bloodstream) characterized by loss of brain function (coma). Before a patient developsmyxedema coma, features of hypothyroidism are usually present and may have gone unsuspected for a long period of time, including fatigue,lethargy, intolerance to cold, mental and mood changes, headaches , depression, weight gain, constipation, and changes in menstrual cycles . When myxedema coma develops, the body temperature is typically abnormally low, and there is diffuse swelling (excess fluid or edema) throughout the body along with the severe changes in brain function.

Myxedema coma is a medical emergency. Treatment typically includes supporting vital body functions such as breathing andcirculation, warming to raise the body temperature to normal, and replacing甲状腺激素.

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