Definition of Migraine headache

偏头痛:The most common type ofvascularheadache involving abnormal sensitivity of arteries in the brain to various triggers resulting in rapid changes in the artery size due to spasm (constriction). Other arteries in the brain and scalp then open (dilate), and throbbing pain is perceived in the head. The tendency tomigraineis inherited and appears to involveserotonin, a chemical in the brain involved in the transmission of nerve impulses thattriggerthe release of substances in the blood vessels that in turn cause the pain of the migraine. These nerve impulses cause theflashinglights and other sensory phenomena known as anaura这可能伴随偏头痛。Not all severe headaches are migraines and not all migraines are severe.

Factors known to make migraines worse in some patients includestress, food sensitivities,menstruation, and the onset ofmenopause. Most patients will feel better if they lie down and avoid bright lights. Prevention measures can include taking preventative medication (usually anantispasmodic) and avoiding any known migraine triggers. Medication is also available that can ease the pain of a current migraine.

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