Definition of Male condom

Male condom:Themale安全套是一个鞘直立放置penisbefore penetration, preventing pregnancy by blocking the passage ofsperm. It is a barrier method of contraception.

A condom can be used only once.

虽然ugh some condoms have spermicide added (the spermicide is usuallynonoxynol-9inthe United States) to kill sperm, spermicide has not been scientifically shown to provide additional contraceptive protection over a condom alone.

Because they act as a mechanical barrier, condoms prevent direct vaginal contact withsemen, infectiousgenitalsecretions, and genital sores and discharges.

Most condoms are made from latex rubber, while a small percentage are made from lambintestines(sometimes called "lambskin" condoms). Condoms made from polyurethane have been marketed in the United States since 1994.

Except forabstinence, latex condoms are the most effective method for reducing the risk ofinfectionfrom thevirusesthat cause AIDS, other HIV-related illnesses, and othersexually transmitted diseases(STDs).

Some condoms are prelubricated. These lubricants do not provide more birth control or性病protection. Non-oil-based lubricants, such aswateror K-Y jelly, can be used with latex or lambskin condoms, but oil-based lubricants, such as petroleum jelly (Vaseline), lotions, or massage or baby oil, should not be used because they can weaken the material.

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